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大家把理论知识复习好的同时,也应该要多做题,从题中找到自己的不足,及时学懂,下面是威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理的英语单元复习检测考题,希望对大家有帮助。

一、语法和词汇知识 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1. The only way out we get rid of       poverty lies in the development of        education.

A. /; /      B. a; /         C. /; an        D. a; an

2. From our        on the top of the hill, we can have a better view of the whole city.

A. occasion B. condition  C. situation  D. position

3. We must never think we are good at everything        others are good at nothing.

A. that     B. while       C. which      D. who

4. In summer, I enjoy walking along a small river        green grass and red flowers on both sides.

A. of       B. in         C. with         D. for

5.       he is poor, he’s ready to help his friends who are in trouble, which makes him very popular.

A. Although  B. However  C. As      D. Whether

6. Peter will give me five sweets        an apple, but in fact I don’t have a sweet tooth.

A. in search of B. in need of  C. in case of      D. in exchange for

7. John got his phone for his birthday,       his parents don’t let him use it in school.

A. however B. which   C. but      D. when

8. I firmly believe, as long as I       great efforts, my dream will come true sooner or later.

A. spend         B. spare       C. share       D. make

9. Tom’s brother who is now a doctor always encourages        hard and go to college.

A. for him studying B. him studying C. for him to study D. him to study

10. —Is the water safe       ?

—Of course. This is pure spring water.

A. drinking  B. to drink   C. being drunk  D. to be drunk

11.       by the teacher, Bob has made great progress this term.

A. Educating     B. Having educatedC. Educated      D. To be educated

12. What I want to know is how to do the job better with        time and        people.

A. less; less B. fewer; fewer   C. fewer; less   D. less; fewer

13. I’m so glad I didn’t agree        it, otherwise it would have got me into serious trouble.

A. having done B. to do   C. doing      D. to have done

14. — The book is not interesting. How do you like it?

— Why!      . It’s worth seeing a second time.

A. I didn’t get that                B. It’s totally fascinating

C. I bought it in the store   D. A friend lent it to me

15. — Have you passed the driving test?

— Forget it. It couldn’t be       .

A. worse    B. so bad      C. better       D. the worst


It was the week before Christmas, but things were far from cheery. Our task was to deliver as many boxes of  16  as possible to those in need in Camden, New Jersey. People lived in poverty there, so there were no Christmas carolers walking along the streets that were lined with houses with  17  windows. Mothers kept their children  18  as they hurried down the streets. It was mid-afternoon, but  19  the bright sun couldn’t warm this place.

Red tickets in the windows marked which houses we were to  20 . Our white truck stopped in front of one house and our group knocked on the door. In our  21  were boxes filled with meat, bread and other foods to make the best Christmas dinner. Four small  22  appeared from behind the curtains and one  23  mother answered the door. She seemed  24  to be caught in her nightdress with untidy hair. She was in her mid-30s, but her rough skin and tired eyes  25  her years.

“Sacred Heart food delivery service,” I said with a smile. “Where can we  26  these for you?”

She  27  and as we entered the house, I noticed the house they lived in. The children  28  around, wearing only diapers (尿布). There was no Christmas tree or decorations. My heart  29 . It was so cold, and I found it  30  to believe that this was reality for this family. We set the boxes down and the mother held my hand.

“You don’t know what a  31  this is to me and my family,” she said, crying. “We are just  32  by.” I opened my arms and gave her a  33 .

“Happy Holidays!” I replied before I headed out of the door. I realized how  34  I felt inside.

This was unlike anything I had ever experienced. We cannot  35  what family we are born into, but we can help each other.

16. A. clothes      B. food        C. paper        D. books

17. A. colorful   B. new         C. broken       D. beautiful

18. A. close        B. happy       C. frightened     D. calm

19. A. quite     B. rather  C. also      D. even

20. A. buy         B. visit       C. deliver        D. offer

21. A. arms        B. pockets     C. eyes        D. cars

22. A. dogs       B. girls       C. boys       D. faces

23. A. inspired    B. tired        C. excited        D. funny

24. A. satisfied     B. annoyed     C. embarrassed   D. touched

25. A. added      B. reduced     C. showed       D. improved

26. A. make       B. lift         C. change    D. put

27. A. sat         B. pointed      C. jumped       D. cried

28. A. worked      B. drove       C. played       D. laughed

29. A. sank        B. rose       C. disappeared    D. dropped

30. A. easy        B. possible      C. important      D. hard

31. A. blessing    B. symbol     C. pride        D. shame

32. A. passing      B. coming      C. getting      D. standing

33. A. kiss      B. hug      C. handshake     D. greeting

34. A. anxious     B. cold     C. proud       D. warm

35. A. want        B. watch       C. experience     D. choose

要多练习,知道自己的不足,对大家的学习有所帮助,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家总结的英语单元复习检测考题,希望大家喜欢。


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