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2014英语Book10 Module 1单元复习检测考题



高中是重要的一年,大家一定要好好把握高中,威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理了1单元复习检测考题,希望大家喜欢。


1. — How do you find your second-hand car, Tom?

— Very good. Besides costing not much, it is still in good      .

A. state    B. condition    C. situation     D. environment

2. — It is said that your school stands out in the whole city.

— Yes. Our school is relatively better compared with others      its management and teaching level.

A. in want of    B. in possession of    C. in terms of    D. in favor of

3. In the eyes of students, a good teacher should have many good virtues, such as being outstanding, knowledgeable and kind, but    , he or she should be responsible.

A. at all        B. after all       C. in all     D. above all

4. Nature deserves      because we ourselves are part of it.

A. to protecting  B. to protect     C. protecting  D. protected

5. — Some scientists are firmly      of the possibility of life on other planets.

— So am I. It is just a matter of evidence.

A. acknowledged B. convinced    C. encouraged  D. addressed

6. To our astonishment, the poor man is always doing what he can       others whenever

they are     .

A. help; in trouble  B. to help; in vain   C. help; in vain   D. to help; in trouble

7. — What did Anderson say on the phone?

— He just repeated his request that we      to the victim for what we had done.

A. would apologize B. apologize   C. will apologize     D. apologized

8. Some teens are born to be the ones who are always       to their appearance and tend to complain about it.

A. sensible        B. sentimental  C. senseless      D. sensitive

9. Almost all of us acknowledge it is high time that the government       suitable measures to prevent our environment from getting worse.

A. takes        B. take        C. took       D. shall take

10. Jack felt a lot          about how untidy the house was when his girlfriend visited him


A. embarrassed  B. confused    C. angry      D. unwilling

11. Beijing’s Zhongguancun area, known       China’s Silicon Valley, is home to some of

China’s top universities and research institutions.

A. as          B. for         C. to          D. with

12. I     eat outside at all times, but I     at home ever since I was married.

A. was used to; used to dine     B. used to; have been used to dining

C. used to; am used to dining    D. was used to; have used to dining

13. I head over heels agree      what you said about my teaching at the meeting, but don’t

agree      the remark you made on my abilities.

A. with; on     B. on; with     C. to; on       D. with; to

14.      can you expect to get a pay rise.

A. Until you work hard        B. Unless you work hard

C. Only with hard work       D. Now that you work hard

15. An automobile can run only       all parts are put together well.

A. when       B. while      C. as    D. since


I was 15 when my mother died. As I walked out of church after the funeral, it   16   me: we never got to have one of those heart-to-heart mother-daughter   17  . At that moment, I believe, God had a plan for us:   18   Mom so much, we’d learn to know Dad. Our father had always been loving us, working hard as a high school teacher. He always had Mom talk to us about   19   things. He’d get embarrassed to talk them—it was his upbringing, I guess.

Now here he was with three teenage girls   20  . Suddenly he had to   21   things like dating (约会) and bra (乳罩). The man who   22   showed his emotions became a man who’d listen to all our deepest heartaches.

When I was in college, my boyfriend, Paul,   23   with me. I thought it was the end of the world. When I came home for the weekend, Dad saw something was wrong   24   I walked in the door. I   25   him, and everything spilled out. He didn’t have a lot of answers, but he was there to listen. I never felt that   26   could have done better.

Dad’s support helped me get things through: Paul and I decided to   27  . And when the time came, Dad insisted on doing the reception. I was so   28   to be getting married that I never thought I’d be a nervous bride. But   29   Dad walked me down the passageway of the church, tears rolled down my cheeks. When I looked over at him, he was   30   too.

Paul and I now have three kids, and Grandpa is part of their life too. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas we go back to   31  . Then recently we decided with my brothers and sisters to take a camping trip the way we used to   32   Mom. We camped out for a week —12 of us —Dad and all his kids and grandchildren.

Dad helped me   33   that every person is here for a reason, affecting   34   in ways we cannot see. We all miss Mom   35   words can express, but we were given the best mom a dad could be.

16. A. injured       B. harmed   C. hurt    D. hit

17. A. reports    B. talks    C. lectures   D. meetings

18. A. missing   B. losing   C. touching   D. owning

19. A. public    B. valuable   C. free    D. personal

20. A. on his hands  B. off his hands  C. on all hands D. out of hand

21. A. get along with     B. deal with

C. escape from      D. keep away from

22. A. often    B. always   C. frequently   D. seldom

23. A. broke away   B. broke out   C. broke up   D. broke down

24. A. the minute   B. before   C. while       D. in the meanwhile

25. A. referred to   B. turned to   C. pointed to   D. applied to

26. A. a friend   B. a man   C. a mom   D. a dad

27. A. get married   B. be separated   C. make friends   D. keep in touch

28. A. anxious    B. uncomfortable  C. hopeless    D. happy

29. A. long before   B. ever since   C. right after   D. shortly after

30. A. thinking    B. talking   C. laughing    D. crying

31. A. friends’   B. Dad’s   C. brother’s   D. sister’s

32. A. with    B. without   C. within   D. beside

33. A. examine   B. observe   C. see    D. watch

34. A. either    B. another   C. others   D. the other

35. A. more than   B. other than   C. better than   D. rather than

在高中复习阶段,大家一定要多练习题,掌握考题的规律,掌握常考的知识,这样有助于提高大家的分数。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了1单元复习检测考题,供大家参考。


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