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高中是重要的一年,大家一定要好好把握高中,威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理了高三英语单元复习检测考试题,希望大家喜欢。

一、单项填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)

1.        Three Gorges Dam was still under        construction last time I visited here.

A. /; a      B. The; /       C. The; the     D. /; the

2. — Does it make any        whether I go today or tomorrow?

— No. It’s not so important. It’s up to you.

A. sense      B. effort      C. difference      D. progress

3. Mr. Smith lives in a flat in the suburbs,       is about an hour’s ride from his office.

A. which    B. where       C. that          D. it

4. On the top of the mountain stands an ancient temple        from the Tang Dynasty.

A. dated      B. having dated   C. dating       D. to date

5. It is difficult to        differences between us.

A. accommodate B. contain   C. provide  D. include

6. — Can I speak to John, please?

—       . I’ll get him.

A. Hold back B. Hold on   C. Hold out  D. Hold up

7. — You look        in that red dress.

— Thank you for the compliment.

A. enormous        B. serious        C. ridiculous      D. gorgeous

8. The supermarket I bought my computer        sends a box of sugar to everyone who comes.

A. in it       B. in        C. where        D. in which

9. I’m sorry to tell you I’ll be unable to join you. Please        my name from the list.

A. remove  B. remain        C. return        D. remember

10. — Drunk driving is very dangerous.

— Measures have been taken to        an end to such behavior.

A. come        B. make         C. put           D. give

11. I firmly believe, as long as I make constant efforts, my dream        sooner or later.

A. will be come true B. comes true  C. is come true  D. will come true

12. The bus        missed me on the way home yesterday afternoon because I jumped to one side.

A. narrowly     B. nearly        C. hardly        D. closely

13. Honesty, as we know, is a kind of quality and that’s        it takes to keep friendship.

A. how           B. which        C. why        D. /

14. The sweet dream brought the happy days back to Bob,       he stayed together with his family.

A. who             B. when        C. that        D. which

15.       getting up early, I can have an hour for reading English in the morning every day.

A. By        B. In         C. With       D. For

二、完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分20分)

Pete Richard was the loneliest man in town on the day Jean Crace opened the door of his shop. On this winter’s afternoon she was standing there, her eyes  16  each treasure as if she were looking for something quite special.  17  she straightened up with a satisfied air and entered the store.

“Mister,” she began, “would you please let me look at the string of blue beads in the window?” Pete lifted out the necklace for the girl. “It’s just  18 ,” said the child. “Will you  19  it up pretty for me, please? They’re for my big sister. She takes care of me. You see, this will be the first Christmas  20  mother died.”

“How much money do you have?” asked Pete. She poured out a handful of pennies on the counter. “I  21  my bank,” she explained.

Pete looked at her  22 . Then he carefully drew back the necklace. The  23  tag (标签)

could be seen by him but not by her. He asked, “What’s your name?” “Jean Crace.”

He wrapped the blue beads for her and he saw that she smiled happily over her  24  as she ran out of the door.

Pete had been in love with a girl and the  25  was to have been hers. But she was  26  by a truck skidding on a slippery road.

During the next ten days trade was good. When the last  27  had gone, late on Christmas Eve, he  28  with relief. But it was not  29  for him. The door opened and a young woman hurried in. He realized she looked  30  yet he couldn’t remember when or where he had seen her before.

“Did this necklace come from your shop?” she asked.

Pete  31  his eyes to hers and answered softly, “Yes, it did.”

“Are the stones  32 ?”

“Yes. Not the finest — but real.”

“But Jean has never had more than a few  33  of spending money. How could she pay for them?”

“She paid the biggest price anyone can ever pay,” he said, “She  34  all she had.”

The great day brings  35  into the world for us all.

16. A. noticing  B. studying    C. staying   D. seeing

17. A. Finally  B. Fortunately  C. Surprisingly D. Quickly

18. A. perfect  B. common      C. boring      D. expensive

19. A. put      B. send           C. mail        D. wrap

20. A. before    B. after           C. once        D. until

21. A. stored   B. cleared         C. emptied       D. counted

22. A. carelessly B. thoughtfully   C. secretly  D. happily

23. A. quality   B. quantity         C. price        D. size

24. A. head    B. hand            C. neck       D. shoulder

25. A. necklace  B. diamond   C. stone        D. ring

26. A. struck    B. killed           C. knocked       D. injured

27. A. girl  B. customer    C. businessman D. assistant

28. A. sang    B. danced         C. sighed         D. cried

29. A. tiring    B. good          C. bad        D. over

30. A. familiar  B. strange         C. unique      D. similar

31. A. fixed  B. equipped   C. raised   D. received

32. A. hard     B. heavy          C. beautiful    D. real

33. A. dollars    B. pennies           C. pounds       D. money

34. A. gave    B. lost            C. tried         D. gained

35. A. worry   B. wealth          C. hope         D. pity

在高中复习阶段,大家一定要多练习题,掌握考题的规律,掌握常考的知识,这样有助于提高大家的分数。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了高三英语单元复习检测考试题,供大家参考。


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