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大家把理论知识复习好的同时,也应该要多做题,从题中找到自己的不足,及时学懂,下面是威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理的英语单元复习检测考试题,希望对大家有帮助。

一、单项填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)

1.— Tonight’s show is a fantastic one that you shouldn’t miss.

—      , but I have to work overtime at my office.

A. It doesn’t matter B. I wish I could

C. Never mind          D. I’m working on it

2. Small boats can easily turn over in the river       they are not managed carefully.

A. though  B. until C. if D. before

3. Please do me a favor —      my uncle John to the party this Thursday.

A. to invite B. inviting C. invite D. invited

4. The sudden fire caused a       in the cinema, and the crowd all ran away in all directions.

A. risk B. panic C. survey D. surprise

5. — Excuse me, I’m new here. May I ask you a favor?

— Sure,      .

A. it’s a deal B. just let it be C. take care D. go ahead

6. Mary’s laughter seemed to be      , and soon all her team began to cheer up.

A. generous B. nervous  C. ridiculous D. infectious

7. The tourists in the zoo are all busy       pictures of the lovely pandas.

A. to take B. taking C. to taking D. being taken

8. Professor William is by far       kindest man and half       population of the city knows him.

A. the; the B. a; the C. /; a  D. a; a

9. You mustn’t       the whole story. Keep this as a total secret between you and me.

A. give off B. give up C. give in D. give away

10. By the shop window, there are several sofas       people may have a rest when they finish shopping.

A. which B. where C. from which D. by which

11. The school survey showed that the students’ attitudes to how to deal with difficulties in life       widely.

A. fell B. varied C. expanded D. spread

12. I could feel my heart beating quickly       I went on stage to give a lecture.

A. a long time B. the first time C. by a time  D. in no time

13. It is such good weather, and I suggest you get       in a sport you like and enjoy yourself.

A. burned B. started C. caught D. involved

14.       thirsty I am, I never seem to be able to finish the large bottle of Cola placed before me.

A. Whatever B. Whenever    C. Wherever D. However

15. I had to tell you that       you do well in every subject, you won’t be elected the monitor.

A. unless B. if  C. because D. when

二、完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分20分)

It was a beautiful day. The weather was perfect for a picnic, so when lunch time came, we set our sights on a small    16    in town. We decided to    17    up by the pond near the entrance.

Then my friend Robby    18    for a hot dog stand (摊), and I decided to keep her company (陪伴). We    19    the man put together the perfect hot dog just the way Robby wanted it.    20    when she took out her money to pay him, the man    21    us. He said, “This is my freebie (免费赠品) of the day.” We thanked him and    22    our friends in the park. On our way back, I was    23    by a man sitting alone nearby,    24    at us. I could tell by his appearance that he hadn’t    25    for days. Another homeless person, I thought.

But when Robby and I went to the garbage can to    26    away our lunch bag, I heard a    27    voice ask, “There isn’t any    28    in the bag, is there?” It was the man who had been watching us. “No, I    29    it already.” “Oh” was his only answer, with    30    in his voice. He was obviously    31   . Suddenly Robby said, “I’ll be right back. Please wait for a minute,” and ran off. I watched with    32    as she went across to the hot dog stand. Then I    33    what she was doing. She bought a hot dog and gave it to the man.

“I was just passing on the    34    that someone gave to me,” Robby said. That day I learned how generosity can go    35    than the person you give to. By giving, you also teach others how to give.

16. A. park B. yard C. garden D. beach

17. A. show B. meet C. dress D. pick

18. A. sought  B. searched C. looked D. headed

19. A. watched B. helped C. ordered D. made

20. A. So B. And  C. But D. Thus

21. A. frightened  B. amused C. surprised D. interested

22. A. reminded B. invited  C. called D. joined

23. A. attracted B. pulled C. attacked D. injured

24. A. waving    B. staring C. laughing D. smiling

25. A. drunk      B. worked C. exercised   D. showered

26. A. throw B. put C. get D. take

27. A. serious B. low C. sweet  D. strong

28. A. trash B. paper C. food D. bottles

29. A. sold B. fell C. ate D. bought

30. A. doubt B. shame C. pleasure D. disappointment

31. A. hungry B. angry C. calm D. nervous

32. A. admiration B. curiosity C. excitement D. concern

33. A. recognized B. believed C. imagined D. realized

34. A. kindness B. friendship C. peace D. respect

35. A. wider       B. further C. deeper D. higher

要多练习,知道自己的不足,对大家的学习有所帮助,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家总结的英语单元复习检测考试题,希望大家喜欢。


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