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1. — Harry, do you know when the meeting will be held?

— _______. I haven’t been informed yet.

A. All right B. Not at all C. I’ve no idea D. Take your time

2. Jack has got into _______ habit of collecting newspaper cuttings, which is _______ great joy for him.

A. ; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the

3. With her mother’s encouragement, Maria_____ her fear and started her first skiing experience.

A. deserted B. overcame C. resisted   D. broke

4. There is no doubt that Mary’s project will get the manager’s _______ because it will improve our work efficiency.

A. approval B. debate C. promise D. reaction

5. After the old man gave me _______ directions to the bank, I had a clear route in my mind.

A. recognizable B. obvious C. typical     D. explicit

6. If _______ in time, the medicine will be quite effective and you will recover soon.

A. taking B. taken C. being taken D. to be taken

7. This young pianist’s success _______ his talent and great enthusiasm for the piano.

A. lies in B. aims to C. focuses on D. points to

8. Alice tried to keep calm, but her red face _______ the fact that she was nervous.

A. rejected      B. marked   C. explored D. betrayed

9. I won’t carry a heavy suitcase that is of no use, _______ you give me a hand.

A. if B. though C. as D. unless

10. His father’s opinion that he was not suitable for that job was important in his decision to _______ his application for the position.

A. oppose B. ignore  C. withdraw D. allow

11. Mr. Green gave praise to Bob that he managed the project well, _______ his inexperience.

A. considered B. considering C. having considered D. to consider

12. The campers were at a loss what to do next, _______ the instructions from the team captain.

A. having not receive B. not having received

C. being not received D. not being received

13. The deadline for the paper is drawing near; we can’t delay anymore. Every minute _______.

A. counts B. applies   C. follows D. occurs

14. _______ parked on the roadside that it was hard to make out where my car was.

A. So many cars there were B. So many there were cars

C. So many were there cars D. So many cars were there

15. I couldn’t put up with her nonsense any more during work time and told her to _______ work.

A. catch up with B. hold on to C. get down to D. date back to


Once upon a time two brothers who lived on adjoining farms fell into conflict. It was the first    16    rift (不和) in 40 years. Finally, it exploded into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of silence.

One morning there was a    17    on John’s door. He opened it to find a man with a carpenter’s    18   . “I am looking for work for a few days. Perhaps you would have a few small    19    here and there. Could I help you?”

“Yes,” said John. “I do have a job for you.    20    across the river at the person. That’s my neighbor;    21   , it’s my younger brother. See that pile of wood there? I    22    you to build me a fence — an 8-foot fence —    23    I won’t need to see his place or his face anymore.”

The carpenter said, “I think I    24    the situation. Show me the nails and I’ll be able to do a job that    25    you.”

The older brother    26    to go to town for supplies, so he helped the carpenter get the    27   ready and then he was off for the day. The carpenter worked    28    all that day measuring, sawing, nailing and hammering. About sunset when the farmer    29   , the carpenter had just finished his job. The farmer’s eyes opened wide, and his jaw dropped. There was no    30    there at all. It was a bridge — a bridge    31    from one side of the river to the other! It was a fine piece of work. The neighbor, his younger brother, was coming across.

The two brothers stood at each end of the bridge, and then they    32    in the middle, taking each other’s hand. They    33    to see the carpenter hoist his toolbox on his shoulder. “No, wait! Stay a few days. I’ve a lot of     34    projects for you,” said the older brother.

“I’d    35    to stay on,” the carpenter said, “but I have many more bridges to build.”

16. A. serious B. mild C. exciting D. similar

17. A. notice B. knock C. sign D. cry

18. A. coat B. luggage C. toolbox D. card

19. A. steps B. coins C. meals D. jobs

20. A. Swim B. Look C. Get D. Walk

21. A. in conclusion B. in time C. in fact D. in exchange

22. A. allow B. forbid C. force D. want

23. A. so B. but C. since D. or

24. A. settle B. understand C. face D. discuss

25. A. beats B. annoys C. pleases D. shocks

26. A. had B. hesitated C. lied D. regretted

27. A. dinner B. clothes C. drinks D. materials

28. A. hard B. freely C. sadly D. firmly

29. A. awoke B. returned C. slept D. fled

30. A. wood B. furniture C. fence D. bridge

31. A. leaning B. bending C. breaking D. stretching

32. A. met B. quarreled C. asked D. reacted

33. A. failed B. turned C. happened D. determined

34. A. spare B. special C. other D. easy

35. A. forget B. agree C. hate D. love

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