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高中是重要的一年,大家一定要好好把握高中,威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理了英语单元复习检测试题,希望大家喜欢。


1. — Hello! I’d like to speak to Mr. Watt.

— _____. He is coming.

A. At your service       B. No problem

C. Hang on a minute     D. I’m sorry

2. Mark Twain, _______ world-famous writer, lived _______ adventurous life when he was young.

A. the; the B. a; an C. a; the D. the; an

3. Although he was against my plan, he didn’t _______ one of his own.

A. solve       B. establish    C. notice       D. present

4. A(n) _______ person isn’t easy to give up in face of difficulty or failure.

A. qualified    B. independent   C. determined   D. stressful

5. — Why do you think they’re father and son?

— Because they _______ each other so much.

A. resemble B. appear        C. remain       D. look

6. — The oil price has gone through the roof recently.

— Yes, the oil price has gone up _______ without any signs of reduction (回落).

A. rapidly      B. curiously     C. slightly      D. vividly

7. I walked all the way from home to the theatre, only ____ that all the tickets had been sold out.

A. to be told  B. told          C. telling       D. having been told

8. People are advised to sort (分类) their rubbish to make _______ easier for the waste to be recycled.

A. that         B. which        C. one         D. it

9. You are always playing a trick _______ me and I have had enough _______ you.

A. with; about   B. on; of        C. with; of      D. on; about

10. _______ English may not lead directly to a great career, it’s certain to give you access to a wider range of opportunities.

A. If         B. Although   C. Because     D. Where

11. Mark Twain wrote many popular novels in his life, _______ The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a best example.

A. of which B. what         C. whose       D. which

12. The TV series, _______ Shanghai in the 1990s, tell a romantic story about a young couple.

A. set off  B. set about  C. set out  D. set in

13. If anyone is caught _______ under the influence of alcohol, his license shall be suspended (暂停使用)

A. to drive  B. drive       C. driving      D. driven

14. This morning Jim was late for the meeting and he had to _______ an excuse.

A. pick up     B. get up        C. make up    D. look up

15. In the corner of the room, we found the little boy _______ with both hands _______ up with a rope.

A. lying; tying B. lying; tied     C. laying; tied  D. laid; tying

二、完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

A friend of mine built his new office on a beautiful piece of land, with the lawn (草坪) in the front well kept.    16   , a problem had arisen.

Molehills (鼹鼠丘)    17    to appear, and not just one or two. One day, as he looked from his office window, he found his lawn was almost    18   .

He    19    a feeling of helplessness when he consulted ten people on the    20   . Most of them    21    him to sit comfortably and watch them leave.

But they    22    left. In fact, the destruction had become so great that he    23    to give up. However, he couldn’t    24    it any longer. He traveled outdoors with a shovel (铁铲) and decided to    25   .

Suddenly, he noticed    26    of dirt from one of the molehills. He immediately began to dig and he    27    one of the creatures. The six-inch animal was now completely    28    as it lay above the    29   . My friend could only stare,    30    what this tiny animal was capable of. But by bringing it to the surface, it was powerless.

Just then, he    31    that errors were just like moles in his life. They left incredible    32    on the surface. Some people told him they would just   33    by themselves, but they never did.

He made a trip to the place where it worked and brought it to the surface. A(n)    34    to see how something so small could    35    him from the inside.

16. A. Therefore B. Besides C. Otherwise D. However

17. A. began B. continued C. prepared D. expected

18. A. destroyed B. broken C. defeated D. covered

19. A. searched B. described C. achieved D. sensed

20. A. opinion B. subject C. test D. mistake

21. A. advised B. permitted C. persuaded D. encouraged

22. A. only B. once  C. already  D. never

23. A. challenged B. hoped C. proved  D. wanted

24. A. blame B. handle C. stand D. admit

25. A. wait B. live C. settle D. rest

26. A. creation B. movement C. decrease D. adjustment

27. A. followed B. picked C. touched D. caught

28. A. useless B. helpless C. careful D. uncertain

29. A. road   B. stone C. ground D. floor

30. A. surprised at B. satisfied with C. nervous of  D. confident in

31. A. announced B. remembered C. realized D. observed

32. A. picture B. damage C. message D. disease

33. A. go away B. give away C. calm down D. slow down

34. A. permission B. possibility C. opportunity D. situation

35. A. ruin B. suspect C. prevent D. blame

在高中复习阶段,大家一定要多练习题,掌握考题的规律,掌握常考的知识,这样有助于提高大家的分数。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了英语单元复习检测试题,供大家参考。


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