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大家把理论知识复习好的同时,也应该要多做题,从题中找到自己的不足,及时学懂,下面是威廉希尔app 小编为大家整理的英语单元复习检测考试题,希望对大家有帮助。


1. — Our company had a hard time last year.

— But _______. Now everything is progressing steadily.

A. we managed somehow        B. we’ve used to it

C. you must be joking          D. I don’t believe a word of it

2. Have you noticed _______ job advertisement for _______ permanent post as a secretary?

A. the; the     B. a; the      C. the; a     D. a; a

3. — Do you have any rooms _______?

— Sorry, sir. They are fully booked.

A. possible B. available C. useful D. convenient

4. Now it’s hard to tell _______ side effect the G.M. food (转基因食品) will have on our health in the long run.

A. which     B. what     C. why      D. how

5. People in ancient times took _______ for granted that the sun moved round the earth.

A. this B. which C. one D. it

6. The bookseller _______ to take 25% off the price. Shall we take the book?

A. offered     B. afforded     C. demanded    D. presented

7. — Can I speak to Mr Brown?

— There isn’t any Brown here. You _______ the wrong number.

A. can’t have dialed  B. must have dialed

C. might dial       D. could dial

8. Many people cycle to work _______ the government’s calling for living a low carbon lifestyle.

A. in response to     B. in face of

C. in terms of                 D. in spite of

9. — Did you go somewhere on holiday?

— I _______ to go to Hawaii, but I didn’t sign up for the tour in time.

A. would hope B. was hoped     C. have hoped D. had hoped

10. _______ another hit in his business, Mr. Green hasn’t got the courage to try again.

A. Suffering    B. Being suffered C. Suffered     D. Having suffered

11. It’s a rule for all the students to _______ their places ahead of 5 minutes waiting for the class to be started.

A. take up      B. pick up     C. keep up      D. give up

12. — How long _______ in Hong Kong?

— For just the weekend. I was back as soon as the meeting was over.

A. did you stay   B. are you staying

C. were you staying     D. do you stay

13. Because of the limited time, he didn’t go into details on the subject. He only spoke _______.

A. in common B. in general     C. in particular D. in theory

14. — What does such an iPhone cost?

— I can’t say for sure. I guess 500 dollars _______.

A. totally     B. exactly     C. actually     D. roughly

15. — I called you this morning but no one answered.

— Oh, I _______ a meeting then.

A. had attended   B. have attended

C. was attending   D. am attending

要多练习,知道自己的不足,对大家的学习有所帮助,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家总结的英语单元复习检测考试题,希望大家喜欢。


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