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第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题,满分40分)



Recently, while hiking in the foothills of South Carolina, I happened to notice a small, yet quickly flowing whitewater stream. While relaxing and enjoying the aloneness, I sensed a b attle for favorable position between the highly-spirited water and the large rocks resting on the bed along the edges of the stream.

At first; the rocks, stubborn, immovable and unbending, seemed to have their way with their adversary (对手). However, the water, determined yet forgiving, seemed merely inconvenienced by the presence of the rocks, as it effortlessly changed its course, running towards its original destination.

Soon it became clear that the rocks, although remaining strong and firm, were losing this battle as the water's total indifference began to slowly reform these obstacles (障碍) into smooth and beautifully polished stones.

You see, there seemed to be total lack of struggle associated with the water's journey. Struggle is like bondage (束缚) forcing harmony and the water would have none of that. On the contrary,the water seemed perfectly content to move around the rocks when necessary, following some route God had originally intended.

I paused for thought. Maybe people need to be more determined and less stubborn. Maybe human beings need to always be open to different points of view, not afraid to readjust their direction as life presents all of its new and unforeseen challenges.

56. When hiking in the foothills, the author was ______.

A. lonely B. delighted C. nervous D. confused

57. When fighting with the water, the rocks ______.

A. were made into irregular patterns B. were lacking in the spirit of struggle

C. stuck to their original method all the way D. redesigned their path according to the situation

58. The water won the battle mainly because it was______.

A. changeable B. brave C. aggressive D. powerful

59. The author wrote the text mainly to _______.

A. stress the importance of determination B. praise the open-mindedness of the stream

C. share with us his interesting journey D. give us some advice on how to deal with challenges


A program in the United States invites young people to visit a prison. The goal is to teach them to avoid bad choices and bad influences that could put them behind bars for life.

Students can take a tour of the prison, in school groups or by themselves.At the end, the young people sit down for a discussion with some of the inmates. The program is called Prisoners Against Teen Tragedy, or PATT. It takes place at the Maryland Correctional Institution-HagerstoWn, a medium-security prison for men. Sal Mauriello, a case specialist, said,“We have agroup of eleven inmates who are in the PATT program. They tell the youthwhat they went through as a child, what their crimes consist of. They try toteach them about peer pressure (同伴间的压力). They try to teach them aboutbad choices.” The Prisoners Against Teen Tragedy program also includes anessay-writing contest, and most teens who visit come to un'derstand what evenone bad decision can mean.

Prisoners Against Teen Tragedy began in 1988. It is one of Maryland'soldest programs to keep young people from a life of crime. But there are alsoothers. Prison spokesman Mark Vernarelli said, “We found that girls reallyneed special sit-down sessions sometimes more than'boys do, so we have aprogram for girls only. we also have a program that travels across the state,which talks about the dangers of gang affiliation (加入帮派) .”

The prisoners in the PATT program also gain from the program. It offersthem a chance to help repay society for their crimes, and keep others fromfollowing in their footsteps.

60. The underlined word“inmates”in Paragraph 2 refers to _______.

A. officials in the prison B. organizers of PATT

C. specialists on crime D. persons put into prison

61. PATT teaches students to______.

A. care about people around them B. do something for the prisoners

C. be careful about making decisions D. improve awareness of personal safety

62. We can infer from the text that_______ .

A. PATT is a win-win program B. students should not make friends with prisoners

C. teachers must accompany students in PATT

D. students help improve the conditions of the prison

63. What would be the best title for the text?

A. PATT Helps Prisoners Live a New Life B. Peer Pressure—a Cause for Youth's Crime

C. A Program to Scare Youth away from Prison D. Teen Crime—a Great Concern for the Public


Do you suffer from perfectionism (完美主义)?

According to psychologist and perfectionism researcher, Hamachek D.E., there are two types of perfectionism: normal and neurotic (神经质). A person with normal or healthy perfectionism feels a deep sense of pleasure from the dull effort of working towards “perfect”. And then there are the neurotic or unhealthy perfectionists w ho never feel satisfied but keep struggling towards impossible goals. These people often measure thei r own self-worth entirely in terms of productivity and accomplishment.

self-worth entirely in terms of productivity and accomplishment.

It is necessary to notice if you are struggling and feel tense while trying to perfect your recipe, article, parenting, job, project, etc. — you are fighting and resisting your own humanness (人性).

How do you know if you Suffer from perfectionism?

● Are you afraid of making mistakes?

● Do you get impatient with others when they make a mistake?

● If you fail an assignment (任务) at work or school, do you feel like a failure?

● How do you feel when you read these questions?

Your relationship with yourself is the foundation for all of your other relationships. If you are hard on yourself, then you will in turn be hard on others. If we are unable to care for our innermost (内心深处的) beings, then our lives will reflect this fault in some way. Embracing (拥抱) your own humanness is the doorway to seeing the miraclet4(奇迹) of who you are at your best.

Dr. Bernie Siegel writes in his new book on miracles,“Our body loves us, but it needs to know we love our lives in order for it to do all it can to help us survive. The change in body energy motivated by the love leads to chemical changes in our body and makes a difference. In many cases, this kind of miracle needs hard work. But when you are willing to do the work, and live in your heart, it can happen.”

64. According to the text, people with neurotic perfectionism probably _______.

A. worry about their health B. get great pleasure from their hard work

C. accept no failure in life D. take great pride in doing dull work

65. The major difference between normal and neurotic per fectionism lies in_______.

A. self-confidence B. self-expectation

C. sense of accomplishment D. sense of satisfaction

66. What does the author s uggest to people who suffer from perfectionism?

A. Being patient with others. B. Respecting human nature.

C. Forgiving their own mistakes. D. Sticking to their ambitions,

67. In the opinion of Dr. Bernie Siegel, the miracle has roots in _______.

A. love of our life B. chemical changes in our body

C. hard work D. eagerness for success


The tough economy is bringing new shoppers to the secondhand market. Plato’s Closet in Charlotte, NC is a private company Which mainly buys and sells used clothes. While Charlotte has outstanding secondhand stores offering high-end and sophisticated (高雅时尚的) brands for women, most of their stock applies to adults. Plato's Closet targets teens and those in their 20s.Plato's Closet, with stores in Matthews and the university area, sells clothes and accessories (装饰品) th at are currently popular at up to 70 percent off retail prices (零售价).

The two hottest brands, for buying and selling, are Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch. Even though the offerings tend to be suitable for young people, there are a variety of shoppers at Plato's Closet of varying ages. Women in their 30s; 40s and older could easily find a purse, jacket or piece of jewelry they like.

Customer Beth Gibbs, 52, who has three teenage daughters, said she used to shop at name-brand stores, but“this year I'm shopping more in secondhand stores”, because of the economy.

If you're selling

Unlike higher-end resale stores which usually work on consignment (寄售), Plato's Closet buys on the spot.

Items can be gently used, but must be in very good condition.

Clothes should be less than two years old and styles should be the same as those still being sold at the shopping center.

There is no negotiation; prices are set company-wide. If what you sell amounts to $30 or less, they'll give you cash. More than that, you'll get a Visa cash card.

Secondhand succe ss

Don't get discouraged if you can't find something on your first trip. Resale shops are always getting new lists of goods and change their styles with each season.

Be sure to check each piece carefully before buying.

Price comparison

Jackets: New York & Company black blazer, $12; retail: $37.

Pants: Express Editor-style pants, $12; retail: $69.90.

Shoes: Nine West black peep-toe pumps, $12; retail: $89.

Jewelry: Necklaces, $3-$5; retail: $18-$30. (365)

68. What is the difference between Plato's Closet and other resale shops?

A. They offer service for people of different ages.

B. The offerings in Plato's Closet are more expensive.

C. Plato's Closet only offers high-end brands for women.

D. Plato's Closet also sells books to the customers.

69. Which of the following about Plato's Closet is NOT true?

A. Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch are the two hottest brands in Plato's Closet.

B. Only young people can buy proper clothes and accessories in Plato's Closet.

C. Goods in Plato's Closet are sold at up to 70 percent off retail prices.

D. Plato's Closet targets teens and those in their 20s.

70. In Plato s Closet, which of the following is not accepted?

A. Items you sell must be. in very good condition.

B. You can negotiate with buyers about the prices of goods.

C. The clothes you sell should be less than two years old.

D. You can sell your goods on the spot instead of on consignment.

71. If you buy a pair of Express Editor-style pants in Plato's Closet, you can save_______.

A. 57.9 dollars B. 44 dollars C. 77 dollars D. 25 dollars


Tobacco companies are fighting efforts in the United States and Australia to make their products less appealing. In Washington, a federal judge last week blocked the Food and Drug Administration from requiring new warning labels on cigarette packs. Judge Richard Leon ruled in a case brought by five tobacco companies. The judge temporarily stopped a new federal rule which requires large new warnings starting next September. These include color images such as a dead body or diseased lungs. And simple text warnings now appear.

Congress called for color images showing the dangers of smoking, similar to what Canada does. But the tobacco companies say the new requirements approved in June violate (侵犯) their free speech rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

Judge Leon said the FDA could not require the new labels before a lawsuit (诉讼)against the government is decided. Some experts say the process could take years. The judge said he believed the cigarette makers were highly likely to win their case.

He said the images should be designed to appeal to emotions, rejecting government arguments that they should be purely factual. He accused the government of trying to use the labels to promote an “obvious anti-smoking agenda?”

The head of an anti-smoking group, the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, called the decision “wrong on the science and wrong on the law”.

About one-fifth of American adults smoke. The World Health Organization says tobacco kills nearly six mil-lion people worldwide each year. More than six hundred thousand of them are non-smokers who breathe other people's tobacco smoke.

In Australia, tobacco companies want to stop what would be the world’s most restrictive laws on cigarette advertising. Cigarettes could be sold only in plain olive-green packages. Only the brand name and health warnings could appear. The Senate passed the bill last week and sent it back to the Lower House to approve minor amendments (修正). The law is to go into effect in December of next year.

Tobacco companies Say the legislation (法规) violates the Australian constitution. They say it would unjustly reduce the value of their brand names and trademarks. Health Minister Nicola Roxon says the government is ready for a legal fight.

72. What are the tobacco companies ii1 the United States and Australia fighting against?

A. The requirements to sell fewer products to the public.

B. The requirements to print new warning labels on their products.

C. The measures to make their products more attractive.

D. The ways to make the companies close their business.

73. What warning label on cigarette packs is being used in the United States?

A. An image of a dead body. B. An image of diseased lungs.

C. Text of health warnings. D. Text of advertisements.

74. Which country has adopted color images showing the dangers of smok ing as warning labels?

A. America. B. Australia. C. Canada. D. Britain.

75. In 2013, what will Australian cigarettes probably look like?

A. Plain olive-green packages only with health warnings.

B. Plain olive-green packages only with the brand name and health warnings.

C. Plain packages with the brand name and health warnings.

D. Plain packages with color images of a dead body or diseased lungs.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



Nowadays there are more Women traveling alone, either for the purpose of business or vacations. If being a woman you're going on your own, here are some commonsensical things to remember in order to make sure that you travel safe and sound. X k b 1 .c o m

You should research your destination as well as safety matters. And also make hotel reservations (预订) for your accommodation in advance in order to safe yourself from taking any decision that might result in unsafe situations. Make sure that the hotel you have chosen for your stay has a good neighborhood.

Avoid public show of mobile phone and try to use it just in time of use. Keep your cell phone, money, credit cards and other valuable things in a safe and hidden waist-pocket. For a safety measure, do carry a whistle with you. It’s great for drawing attention to yourself if such situation occurs where you want a hero to safe you from a bad person bothering you. Xkb1.com

Remember you're going on a visit away form your home town and therefore always dress traditionally because this is the requirement of certain cultures, despite your personal liking or disliking, just be mindful of local customs. So as they say, while you are in, Rome, do as the Romans Do! This will surely prevent you from unnecessary attention, as well as trouble. Make sure you wear sensible and comfortable shoes. Not just for running away from the prison of Robin Hood but also because it will not let your feet tired soon if you're going to be doing a lot of walk.

Even if you consider yourself a Super Woman, don't dare to travel alone at night because there is NO point in being needlessly brave. Always try and sit next to a woman. while traveling through a public transport. Avoid talking unnecessarily to strangers and if it's important to talk for instance asking about directions, prefer ask a woman or a man with children.

Title Some traveling tips for women

Make sure to choose

a safe place to live in ● Do research about the place to ensure safety

● 76._________ a safe hotel ahead of time

● Make sure that the hotel has a good neighborhood

Keep your personal

items in 77._________ ● Don't 78. ________ mobile phone in public

● Put valuable things in a safe and hidden waist-pocket

● Bring a whistle to draw 79.________ when in danger

Follow the 80.________

in a different place ● Don't dress clothes obviously 81. ________from those

in a new place

● Respect the local custom

● Avoid 82. ________ unnecessary attention with clothes

● 83. ________ yourself with comfortable shoes for a long walk

Don't try to be brave ● Avoid 84.__________ on your own especially at night

● Try to be near to women in Public places

● Turn to a woman or a man with children for 85._____________








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