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1-5 ACDBB 6-10 CADAB 11-15 CDBAB


16 who/that 17 is welcomed 18


whatever/what 19 Compared (小写不给分) 20 However

21 reliable 22 the 23 It (小写不给分) 24 with 25 convenience


26—30 CDCDD 31—35 ABDCB 36—40 DBDCA 41—45DACAB


46—50 BEFCA


One possible version

Statistics reveal that about 40% to 60% of the citizens in our country suffer from tooth decay while more children are stricken by such disease with a ratio of 70%. Many factors are responsible for this disease, but food and dietary habits may be the most important factors. Therefore, we are supposed to balance our food, eat more vegetables rich in fibers, fruit, milk and so on, instead of sugar. Next, brush teeth both in the morning and after meals, especially before going to bed. In addition, we should take regular medical tooth check so that we can cure the disease in time once we are found carrying bad teeth in our month.


One possible version

From the passage we know that Wor


ld Teachers’ Day is celebrated by more than 100 countries and many countries such as China and America have their own Teachers’ Day to express their thankfulness to teachers.

As is known to all, the career as a teacher is one of the most important careers under the sun. They shoulder the responsibility of educating the next generation who are the future builders of our society. Therefore, setting a date to honor the contributions teachers make to education is of great significance.

The 29th Teachers’ Day has just passed. On that day, we sent our teachers postcards with everyone’s best wishes. What was special was that the cards were made with our own hands instead of being bought from the store. We knew from the teacher’s expressions that they appreciated such beautifully-made cards very much.

As far as I’m concerned, not only should we students show our respect for our teachers on the Teachers’ Day, but we also should respect them on other days. Personally, working hard and listening to the teacher attentively in class are the best way to express our gratitude to them. Furthermore, saying hello and smiling at them when meeting them are also good ways.

总结:非常感谢同学们积极点击练习威廉希尔app 的高三上学期英语期中试卷及答案,小编希望大家在日常练习中不断提高成绩,冲刺2014年高考。





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