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第二节(共5小题, 每小题2分, 满分10分)

根据短文内容, 从下框A~F选项中选出能概括每段主题的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。选项中有一项为多余项。

A. Hard work

B. Principles for success

C. Active learners

D. A sense of humor

E. A successful sales team

F. A head start

61. ___________

I was hired to do some training for a sales team from one of the largest companies in America. There were 16 people on this team. That year their sales (for the 16 of them) were close to 250 million — that’s right, a quarter of a billion dollars! Needless to say, it was an excellent and interesting time. I decided to learn a little bit myself, so I watched them closely to see what kind of people they were and to see what common characteristics they shared.

62. ___________

They simply weren’t a terribly serious bunch of people. Instead, they saw that life was to be enjoyed and that means they were able to laugh a little bit. Sure, there were varying levels in this but they all had a sense of humor. They were able to laugh at circumstances, and they were able to laugh at themselves. It was quite refreshing and the most important key to their success, I’m sure.

63. ___________

They didn’t come from families that gave them a free pass into the upper rank of the business world and they didn’t get a head start from upper outside universities. What got them to where they are now? Hard work! That’s right, another example that if you put your mind to it, work hard and get in the right situation, you can achieve great things! These folks work long hours and are disciplined in the work they do. And it is paying off.

64. ___________

They were always occupied in the learning process. During my sessions they were attentive and listening. You could see their minds processing the information. They were asking questions and applying the material to their work and their lives. They wanted to improve in any way that they could. It was also interesting to watch them in their team meetings led by their sales manager. They were very interactive and were learning from one another. None of them was above learning from a colleague.

65. ___________

What did I see in these successful people? The same things that can make you a success as you apply the principles to your own life: a sense of humor, hard work, and a desire to learn at every turn.


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