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【摘要】要多练习,知道自己的不足,对大家的学习有所帮助,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家总结的2014高三英语摸底试题,希望大家喜欢。

第I卷(选择题 共95分)


第一节 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1.Tuesday A. excuse B. difficult C. adjust D. square

2. Chinese A. begin B. appreciate C. basement D. enemy

3. houses A. nurses B. horses C. pulses D. causes

4. school A. wood B. stood C. food D. blood

5. official A. concert B. musician C. success D. physical

第二节 情景对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


After school, Linda and James are talking on their way home.

Linda: I feel a bit tired after a whole day’s work.

James: So do I. 6

Linda: I enjoy chatting online with my friends, going to the movies and doing many other things.

James: 7

Linda: I collect stamps. I try my best to get stamps from other countries. What about you?

James: 8 It is a fun way to exercise, though cycling is a bit dangerous. I like playing tennis, too.

Linda: No wonder you are always so energetic.

James: Yes. If we do exercise every day, we can keep our heart and lungs in good shape.

Linda: 9 Can you give me some tips on how to keep fit?

James: The best way to keep fit is to do some sports. I’m going cycling now.


Linda: Sounds wonderful! Let’s go to the countryside together.

A. What’s your favorite sport?

B. Now I’m putting on weight.

C. I enjoy riding my bike and looking at the scenery along the road.

D. What do you do to relax yourself?

E. Do you want to go with me?

F. What’s your favorite hobby?

G. You really should do some sports to lose weight.

第三节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


11. — So you missed the English lecture this morning?

— ________. I arrived 30 minutes after it started.

A. Not exactly B. Not really C. Not possible D. Not likely

12. He comes here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays — ________, to be exact.

A. every second days B. every other days

C. every other day D. every two day

13. Can you explain ________ the sun goes down in the west?

A. why is it that B. why it is that C. how it is that D. how is it that

14. Never believe anything ________ any other person has believed it. Use your own head.

A. that B. when C. because D. once

15. — Can you finish the book in ________ month or two?

— Yes, it’s out of ________ question.

A. a; the B. the; 不填 C. the; a D. a; 不填

16. ________ an effective team member, you need to develop a teamwork attitude.

A. Become B. Becoming C. Having become D. To become

17. — Good evening. Bell Tower Hotel.

— Good evening. ________?

A. What would you like, please

B. Do you still have a room for tonight

C. Is there anything I can do for you

D. Who is that speaking, please

18. On foggy days, you have to drive very ________ on the expressway to avoid traffic accidents.

A. cautiously B. neatly C. smoothly D. properly

19. John wants to see me now, but I have so much work on hand that I would rather he ________ tomorrow than today.

A. should come B. will come C. is coming D. came

20. The number of new energy vehicles in China’s cities ________ to reach 39,000 by the end of this month, according to Wan Gang, Chinese Minister of Science and Technology.

A. are expected B. is expecting C. are expecting D. is expected

21. After a second thought, Bill ________ a better idea of how to solve the problem.

A. put up with B. came up with C. kept up with D. mixed up with

22. There are two rooms in the apartment, ________ serves as a kitchen.

A. the smaller of them B. the smallest of which

C. the smaller of which D. smallest of which

23. — I rang you up last night, but nobody answered.

— Oh, I usually ________ off my phone at about 9:00 p.m.

A. switched B. have switched C. switch D. had switched

24. With a population of over seven million, London is ________ the largest cities of the world.

A. between B. among C. from D. of

25. — You shall get an iPad so long as you come first in the speech contest.

— Is that a ________? Don’t let me down, I hope.

A. trick B. decision C. promise D. goal


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