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第三部分 写作(共三节,满分55分)

第一节 单词拼写 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

66. Who gave you___(允许)to leave the office so early? 66._______

67. The university___(授予,给予) him an honorary degree. 67._______

68. The soldiers launched into a___(猛烈的) attack. 68._______

69. He___(寻求) advice from his teacher. 69._______

70. France___(与…接壤,边界 )Germany along parts of the Rhine. 70._______

71. If you are___(精力充沛的) in what you do, you have a lot of enthusiasm and determination.


72. His family then moved to a ___(稍微,略微)larger house. 72._______

73. ___(账目) are detailed records of all the money that a person or business receives and spends.


74. If you have___(耐心), you are able to stay calm and not get annoyed.


75. There always___(存在) a force of attraction between two bodies. 75._______

第二节 短文改错 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)

Uncle Marion was one of my mother’s younger brother. He is died now. When I was a teenager, he taught us how to hunt in the New Jersey woods used the hours before dawn. We usually left home at three o’clock in the morning, stayed in local restaurant for breakfast, and then travel on to one of his hunting destinations. Just after dawn, he would find the right spot in the woods. He would show me how not to make a sound and a movement. Though I never hunted an animal successfully, but I learned to be brave and patiently through the experience.

第三节 书面表达 (满分30分)



1. 表明你对此的态度。

2. 陈述你的理由(不少于两条)。

3. 你建议大家该怎么做。


1. 短文词数不少于100(不含已写好部分)。

2. 内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯。

3. 书写须清晰、工整。

词汇: 吐痰spit

Dear Editor,

I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve recently had about how to deal with bad behaviors in public, like smoking and spitting. That is, to remind or to fine.


1—5 BDCAD 6—10 EGADB 11-15 CACAB 16-20 CDBBC

21-25 DBBAB 26-30 BDCAB 31-35 DCACA 36-40 CDBDA

41-45 BCABD 46-50 CDBCC 51-55 BABCA 56-60 BDCDB

61-65 BACEF


66. permission 67. awarded 68. violent 69. sought 70. borders

71. energetic 72. slightly/

somewhat 73. Accounts 74. patience 75. exists


1. brother加s 2. died--dead 3. us--me 4. used--using

5. in a local restaurant 6. travel--traveled 7. after--before

8. and--or 9. 去掉but 10. patiently--patient


Dear Editor,

I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve recently had about how to deal with bad behaviors in public, like smoking and spitting. This is, to remind or to fine.

I’m in favor of reminding them. My reasons are as follows. At first, what I think is that those who smoke or spit in public may not have noticed the warning signs and that they don’t do it on purpose. Then in the meantime, if they are fined, they’ll feel hatred for society, which is not in accordance with social harmony.

Here come my suggestions. We may as well set up some warning signs in the place that can attract people’s attention, in which way they can realize their mistakes and correct them willingly. In addition, I recommend making them aware of the duty of protecting our environment via public-service advertisements in the newspaper or on TV.

That’s all for my opinions. I am waiting for your ideas.

(Others think these people should be fined properly because, generally speaking, those who go against the rules are usually frequent wrong-doers. So they will not learn to obey rules unless they are taught a lesson. What’s more, reminders won’t work on them any longer.)


Li Hua

【总结】为大家整理的高三英语摸底试题就介绍到这里了,希望大家好好复习,成功是属于你们的,大家加油。也希望大家在威廉希尔app 学习愉快。





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