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Ⅴ.短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)

Last week I went to visit my former neighbor, Mr. Yang.

He and I used to next to each other for many years. 76. _____________

About half a year ago, an o came tha t the old building, 77. _____________

along with many other ________(相似的) ones, should be pulled 78. _____________

down to make r for a main street. So we had to move apart. 79. _____________

Mr. Young has ________(定居) in the suburbs near a beautiful park. 80. _____________

His apartment is much l than before . The only problem 81. _____________

is that it ________ quite a long time to get to the downtown 82. _____________

area. ________, Mr. Young doesn’t se em to worry about the long 83. _____________

________(距离). He says that a new subway line will be built in a few 84. _____________

years, _______ means life will certainly be more convenient in the future . 85. _____________







1. 词数120左右;

2. 参考词汇:减压 relieve pressure 高考the College Entrance Examination




One possible version:

Recently, I found many of us Senior Three students are getting stressed in our studies and can’t find a way out. Our pressure mainly results from the following: First, our top pressure comes from the heavy burden of school work. Second, the College En trance Examination is drawing near and we are always worried about whether or not we can be admitted into good universities. Besides, parents and teachers’ high expectations also keep us under great pressure.

As is known, too much pressure can cause harm to our body. As a result, our studies will be affected.

Here I suggest several ways to relieve pressure. Firstly, physical activities can reduce anxiety. Moreover, we can make time for fun to relax, such as listening to music, etc. Lastly, we can turn to our parents and teachers for help when stress does o ccur.

附录: 听力录音原文

Text 1

W: You love Yorkshire, don’t you?

M: I like everything about it except the weather. It seems to rain every day here.

W: You will get used to it soon.

Text 2

W: What terrible weather we are having now!

M: It is too hot these days. July and August are bad enough and I don’t think the heat will be relieved until September.

Text 3

W: How long may I keep these?

M: Two weeks. If you cannot return them on time, you will be fined.

W: I think I had better read them fast.

Text 4

W: Well, sir, there are two jobs at hand. Which one shall I do first, typing the paper or sending the e-mail?

M: The former one. The sooner, the better.

Text 5

W: It’s surprising that Wood came out of the air-crash alive.

M: That’s true. The plane crashed into the mountain and was completely destroyed.

W: It’s terrible to have such a crash.

Text 6

M: Have you finished your assignment for Dr. Martin’s class? I’m really having difficulties with it.

W: No, I haven’t. I think it’s really hard, too, so I’m meeting with my study group tonight to talk it over.

M: Oh, I didn’t know you had joined a study group. Is it working well?

W: I think so. I’ve only been a few times, but everybody seems serious and helpful. Last time it really helped me to understand the analysis he gave in class.

M: Hm. Can anyone join the group?

W: Sure. Right now there are only four of us. If you want to join, I’m sure that nobody would object. Why don’t you come over tonight? We’re meeting at my house.

M: OK, I will. I’ll try anything at this point.

Text 7

W: Can I help you, sir?

M: Yes. I’m here to see the cars. What a world of cars!

W: Thank you. We have many brands, including domestic and imported ones. Do you have any particular brand in mind?

M: Yes. I want to have a Ford. I need it badly for my work. It must be very expensive, isn’t it?

W: Yes. Look, this model is newly developed and began to appear in the market just several weeks ago in America. It costs 43800 dollars. But considering the high quality, it’s worth it.

M: That’s why I shall choose it. But I’m afraid that I can’t afford to pay in cash now. Can you sell it on installment basis?

W: Oh, yes. You can pay in 12 monthly installments. For the first time, 13888 dollars, and you must pay the remaining part in 12 months, 2500 dollars for each month.

M: Thank you. I’ll come back tomorrow.

W: Bye!

Text 8

W: Tony! Let’s stop here! It’s a wonderful place for a picnic — a grassland, a small river, and those pine trees!

M: Good. Looks fine. Here we are. You know, I’m hungry. Aren’t you hungry?

W: Yes, I am. Tony, isn’t it delightful here? We’ve been looking all summer for a place just like this.

M: Yes, we should have driven out this way earlier.

W: This is such a lovely place. First, we’ll go for a walk beside the river.

M: Uh, where’s the lunch basket? I don’t see it. It isn’t here.

W: What isn’t there? Oh, you mean the lunch basket. It’s in the back of the car.

M: Ah!

W: We couldn’t have found a better place for a walk!

M: I hope we didn’t forget the beer.

W: But Tony, I’m thirsty and hungry, too!

M: That sounds so sad! Do you want a sandwich now?

W: That would be great! Mm, this cheese sandwich’s good. You ought to try one.

M: All right. They do look good, don’t they?

Text 9

W: How long have you been a truck driver, Mr. Stuart?

M: Just over six years.

W: And you have never had any other jobs?

M: No. I have worked for the same firm since I left university.

W: University? You did not take your degree then?

M: Oh, I got a degree and quite a good one.

W: Then why did you become a truck driver?

M: The answer is quite simple. I am doing what I want to do.

W: Yes. But you don’t make any use of your education that way.

M: Well, most people who take degrees don’t, either. They work to make money and to get on in the world. Well, I don’t especially want to get on. Besides, I make enough money to live on. In fact, I make very good use of my education. You see, when I finish work in the evenings, I may be physically tired but I am still mentally fresh. I don’t take any problems home with me from the office. I have time for my family. I also have time to read.

【总结】为大家整理的2014高三英语模拟试题就介绍到这里了,希望大家好好复习,成功是属于你们的,大家加油。也希望大家在威廉希尔app 学习愉快。





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