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Text 8

W: Hi,Jim.

M: Hi,Alice. What's that?

W: It's my protest, that is, some suggestions to the government. Do you want to sign it?

M: A protest? Who for?

W: It's against doing tests on animals. I'm going to send it to all the companies that test medicines on animals.

M: What? Are you pulling my leg?

W: No,I'm not,Jim. There are lots of other ways to cure illnesses without using drugs.

M: I don't know about that. Anyway, people are more important than animals.

W: Animals have rights too,you know.

M: Of course,they do.But people have more rights.

W: Jim! I can't believe my ears!Don't you like animal?

M: Of course I do,but...

Text 9

W: Hi!Welcome to the Service center.How can I help you?

M: Hi,yes.I'm interested in reading a two-bedroom apartment.

W: Well.I would like to ask you a few questions before I show you what we have available,so that we will be able to match your needs better.First,what price range are you interested in?

M: Somewhere between$400-$450 a month.

W: Okay.Do you have a specific location in mind?

M: Well,I would like to live somewhere near the university.Or at least on a bus line.

W: And when would you like to move in?

M: On the first of the month.

W: Okay.Here are the photos of the departments that fit your preferences.

M: Thank you.The one on Broadway Avenue looks nice.I would like to see it,And the one on Main Street.

W: Sure.Let me get the keys and we will go look at them.If you choose to rent one of them,we would need some money for possible damage.You will be responsible for everything inside.If you like, we can sign an agreement today.

M: Great!Thank you!


Ladies and gentlemen,may I have your attention,please?Before I go on to talk about our targets for the coming year,let's have a look at our performance over the year.Since I am in charge of our company,I'm going to divide my review into two parts:first,financial and then technology.On the financial front,the results have been very pleasing.The whole sale has increased by 28%,costs have dropped by 3% and profits are up by 16%.So the company as a whole has performed well.Some sales have done very well,especially in China,our largest export market.The consumer market at home has been very competitive and will continue to be so.Our results in this market have been rather disappointing,just 2% up compared with last year.

【总结】为大家整理的高三第一轮复习练习题就介绍到这里了,希望大家好好复习,成功是属于你们的,大家加油。也希望大家在威廉希尔app 学习愉快。





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