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In 1957 a doctor in Singapore noticed that hospitals were treating an unusual number of influenza-like cases. Influenza is sometimes called ‘flu’ or a ‘bad cold’. He took samples from the throats of patients and in his hospital was able to find the virus of this influenza.

There were three main types of the influenza virus. The most important of these are type A and B, each of them having several subgroups. With the instruments at the hospital the doctor recognized that the outbreak was due to a virus in group A, but he did not know the subgroup. Then he reported the outbreak to the World Health Organization in Geneva. W.H.O. published the important news alongside reports of a similar outbreak in Hong Kong, where about 15-20% of the population had become ill.

As soon as the London doctors received the package of throat samples, doctors began the standard tests. They found that by reproducing itself with very high speed, the virus had grown more than a million times within two days. Continuing their careful tests, the doctors checked the effect of drugs against all the known sungroups of virus type A. none of them gave any protection. This ,then, was something new, a new influenza virus, against which the people of the world had no help whatever.

Having found the virus they were working with, the two doctors now dropped it into the noses of some specially selected animals, which get influenza much as human beings do. In a short time the usual signs of the disease appeared. These experiments proved that the new virus was easy to catch, but that it was not a killer. Scientists, like the general public, call it simply Asian flu.

The first discovery of the virus, however, was made in China before the disease had appeared in other countries. Various reports showed that the influenza outbreak started in China, probably in February of 1957. by the middle of March it had spread all over China. The virus was found by Chinese doctors early in March. But China is not a member of the World Health Organization and therefore does not report outbreaks of disease to it. Not until two months later, when travellers carried the virus into Hang Kong, from where it spread to Singapore, did the news of the outbreak reach the rest of the world. By this time it was well started on its way around the world.

Thereafter, W.H.O.’s Weekly Reports described the steady spread of this great virus outbreak, which within four months swept through every continent.

8. the doctor in Singapore performed a valuable service by ______.

A. finding the subgroup of the virus.

B. developing a cure.

C. keeping his patients apart from others.

D. reporting the outbreak to Geneva.

9. One interesting thing about the virus in the story was that it __.

A. was especially weak.

B. was similar to other viruses.

C. could reproduce with great speed.

D. had samples frozen and packed in dry ice.

10. The experiments in giving the virus to animals proved that this type of influenza was easy to catch __________.

A. but was not deadly.

B. and had rather mild effects.

C. and could possibly causes death.

D. and did not have the usual signs.

11. In order to keep track of a disease such as influenza, W.H.O. must have ________.

A. highly trained experts.

B. co-operation from every doctor.

C. good reporting services.

D. time to study the facts.

12. One thing necessary for discovering influenza outbreak is __.

A. doctors and hospital services.

B. drugs to fight the disease.

C. the United Nations.

D. sick Chinese.


It is true that as a social organization moves from the simple to the complex, so does the organization through which it educates its children. Growth and change are vital if education is to meet new needs and demands. In a very simple social order it may suffice(足够) to have the parents carry on the education of their children. However, as will be shown later in more detail, such a method may become entirely untenable(站不住脚的), and special individuals are entrusted(委交) with the task. These may be hired privately at first, but soon the social group---- the church, village, and the like----will be responsible for education. Eventually, special training is required for those who do the teaching, and an agency to control this training is needed. Thus the influence of local government unit, such as the town, township, and later the state or the province, becomes necessary. It was generally considered simpler to use as a unit the already existing local unit.

13. The closest restatement(重新叙述) of the first sentence is ___.

A. The more complex a social organization becomes, the more complex the educational system becomes.

B. The complexity of a social organization depends on the complexity of the educational system.

C. Social organizations are truly as complex as they need to be for educational purposes.

D. Our society must be complex if we want our education system to serve our children’s educational requirements.

14. The writer would probably argue for _______.

A. more parental influence in education.

B. an educational system which takes social complexity into account.

C. strict state control of education.

D. more special training for teachers.

15. The method which the author says might become entirely untenable is _____.

A. the method of social organization.

B. parental education of children.

C. a simple social order.

D. the entrustment of education to special individuals.

16. The author promises to explain _________.

A. the necessity of the local governmental unit.

B. why it is easier to use the government to control education.

C. the responsibility of the social group.

D. why parents should not teach their children.





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