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18. What kind of job did the speaker do last year?

A. She was a secretary.

B. She was a shopkeeper.

C. She was a general manager.

19. Why did the speaker feel confident that she could find a new job soon?

A. She had been offered several jobs.

B. She was quite experienced.

C. She didn’t have a high demand for the salary.

20. What does the speaker think of her present job?

A. Challenging . B. Tiring. C. Acceptable.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)?

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21. By the time you _______ this book, your meal will get cold.

A. will have finished B. have finished C. are finishing D. finished

22. ______ is required in the library regulations that any book borrowed be returned by due time.

A. As B. What C. It D. Which

23. ______ to the sun for too long in that area may probably cause skin cancer.

A. Exposed B. Being exposed C. Exposing D. To be exposed

24. Time is our most precious investment ______ , unlike money, we only get 24 hours in each day.

A. until B. once C. because D. while

25. Indeed, more challenges may arise. This is only natural _______ the fact that the Basic Law has been in effect for just a month.

A. to give B. given C. giving D. having given

26. Applicants for the job must be between 25 and 35 years old and a good _______ of English is required.

A. command B. experience C. demand D. comment

27. ______ an important decision more on reason than on emotion, and you will never regret it.

A. Base B. Based C. Basing D. Having based

28. The flower in the picture standing ______ the bright blue sky inspired the poet to write a beautiful poem.

A. with B. against C. across D. by

29. Under no circumstances _______ take part in any discussion that attempts to change your mind through flattery(恭维).

A. you should B. should you C. would you D. you would

30. The center runs two life drawing classes for children _______ there is a small fee.

A. where B. of whom C. when D. for which

31. If you are preparing for a job interview, then follow these tips, which I believe will set yourself _______.

A. off B. apart C. up D. away

32. They might have had second thoughts, but they _______ what was coming next.

A. don’t know B. hadn’t known C. didn’t know D. haven’t known

33. On May 10, 2013, Ma Yun resigned as CEO of Alibaba , ______ to Alibaba Chief Data Officer Jonathan Lu.

A. taking over B. handing over C. getting over D. coming over

34. With all the arrangements ______ for my parents’ visit, I rang to confirm their time of arrival.

A. in sight B. in return C. in vain D. in place

35. —Thank you very much for your wonderful lecture, Mr. Brucel!

— .

A. It doesn't matter B. Just so so

C. That's very kind of you to say so D. I'm glad you've enjoyed it


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