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39. 【补全短文】




Examinations are almost always stressful Students rarely know exactly what to expect on the test, and those who suffer from exam fear or exam anxiety can see their grades suffer as a result of this stress. For some students,exam fear causes them to “ seize up ’’ and forget what they have studied.

2______Good study habits and learning how to relax can help students overcome exam fear.

3 ______According to Penn State University and Kids Health,proper study habits and preparation are the keys to cutting out exam fear. Avoid last-minute “cramming” for exams and actively listen while in class.

Focus on positive thoughts, relax the night before your test and reward yourself after the test is over. Often, people who suffer from exam anxiety cannot shut out negative thoughts or emotions about the test, and this can contribute to feeling more anxiety than normal 4______

Keep your mind and body healthy by getting enough sleep, eating well and exercising. Healthier people who are well-rested often do better on exams.

5_____ Exam fear is normal When that anxiety severely interferes (干扰)with your ability to take the test, however, outside help might be needed. Ask your teachers and family for support and help.

A. How To Succeed hi An Exam

B. How To Overcome Exam Fear

C. Develop good study habits.

D. Understand that you are not alone and ask for help if necessary.

E. Remind yourself that it’s just one test and that you can get through it

F. Battling this type of performance anxiety can be hard, but it is not impossible.

G. Remind yourself to read the instructions carefully.

40. 【完成句子】



1. The war left the family scattered all over the world, and it was two decades . (get)


2. The more often you seize opportunities to talk to the foreigners,______________when speaking a foreign language . (confident)


3. Back to 1942 directed by Feng Xiaogang tells a true story in 1942, in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.(engage)


4.He is tired of dealing with the complaints of customers. More than once he has told me his desire that______________to do another job of the department.(appoint)


5. Though there has been some talk, never_____________________________whether the legendary treasure is hidden in the mountain.(clear)


6. She has succeeded. She is pleased that her devotion to studying ___________ .(pay)


7. With______________his lecture about the endangered animals, the professor has been preparing for it all the day. (attend)


8.Smart phones enable workers to keep in contact in______________impractical before.(think)


9. In my opinion, it is his measures rather than his ability______________. (blame)


10. As it turned out to be a small house party, we ______________ so formally. (dress)



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