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Lights off at midnight means time to bed for most students who live in dormitories.

However, quite a few students, with school bags on their shoulders, enter the classroom to begin night-long studies.

This is a familiar scene a some universities, especially during the days before exams.

Although the classroom buildings close at midnight and lights are cut off, many students still come, bringing many emergency lamps with them.

Other students who sit up all night would choose to go to nearby restaurants that are open 24 hours.

“I felt cold, hungry and sleepy,” a fourth-year girl student said about her night-long study in a restaurant. “So I ordered food several times and took a few naps during the long, long night.”

Another student said that he lived to stay up late: I find myself simply suited for working late at night. I become excited and clear-headed after midnight; but I always feel drowsy during the day…”

Most of the students who stay up late are boys, for their dormitory buildings are open all night. Girls’ dormitories are closed at 11 o’clock.

Most are there for academic reasons-studying for exams or writing a paper. A few come because they feel gloomy(沮丧)or suffer from insomnia(失眠的)and want to pass the time in a well-lighted place.

45.Which of the following is RIGHT?

A.The school authorities encourage students to have night-long studies.

B.Those who go to classrooms during the night time are all for studies.

C.Before exams, all students have night-long studies.

D.It is more convenient for boy students to enter dorms at a later time.

46.According to the girl student, .

A.a night-long study in a restaurant doesn’t seem so good

B.a night-long study in a restaurant can be very efficient

C.we can see that she has experienced a sleepless night

D.a night-long study in a restaurant seems better than in classrooms because you can get food easily after you feel hungry

47.The word “drowsy” in the seventh paragraph probably means “ ”.

A.even more excited B.sleepy C.happy D.bad

48.The writer’s opinion of the night-long studies is .

A.supportive B.opposed

C.encouraging D.none of the above


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