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高三英语核按钮试题练习Unit 4 Earthquakes



14.________the end of last month,they had received more than three thousand text messages.

A.At   B.In

C.By   D.From

15.________the years go by,China is earning more and more understanding and respect of the world.

A.Though   B.As

C.Once   D.Unless




As students enter the school building,they are easy targets of peer pressure.Students may become involved in activities that are dangerous to themselves,or others,due to peer pressure.

Drugs,including alcohol,are a major part of peer pressure.A research institute reports that about 30 percent of the teenagers are offered drugs in middle and high schools.The majority of teens consume their first drink of alcohol at the age of 13.The National Household Survey on drug use and health from the Department of Health and Human Services informs the public that 74.3 percent of the high school students have tried alcohol.A large percentage of those who drink alcohol are also smokers.The American Lung Association points out that about 3.1 million adolescents are smokers in the US.Almost 25 percent of teens between 17 and 18 are regular smokers.

Peer pressure can affec t the behavior,clothing choice,music and movie choice and even the personality.Academics can also be affected by peer influence.People can be affected by these factors and remain completely unaware of the changes in their lifestyle,but some people do realize when they are being pressured.Just by simply spending time with others,a person can become more like them.

“If you are being pressured to do things that you know are wrong,” Sheats,a senior,said,“you should get out of that situation and tell a trusted adult.” For people to avoid becoming a victim of peer pressure,they must make their own decisions.Judgment of a situation based on one’s morals is very important in peer pressure situations.“People,” Sheats added,“should follow their own hearts.”

1.The passage is mainly about________.

A.peer influence    B.teenagers’ lifestyles

C.academic pressure    D.moral judgment

2.According to the second paragraph,________.

A.teen smokers are more than teen alcoholics

B.almost a quarter of teens are regular smokers

C.most teens begin to try alcohol at the age of 13

D.about 30% of teenagers try drugs in middle school

3.It can be inferred from the passage that________.

A.no one knows they are being influenced by their friends

B.teenagers tend to spend more time with their friends

C.people are more easily influenced by those around them

D.peer pressure affects people’s behavior rather than academics

4.Sheats suggests when being pressured to do something awful,we teens should________.

A.ask our peers for help

B.keep it a secret from our parents

C.accept our peers’ decisions

D.make decisions on our own morals



About 1 500 years ago the Japanese imported many aspects of Chinese culture:the writing system,political institutions,and perhaps the most important,Buddhism.Buddhist priests were expected to eat only vegetables,and tofu (豆腐),made from the soybean,was a very important food in their diet.When Bu ddhism was introduced from China,tofu was also brought to Japan.

Tofu developed in different ways in China and Japan.While the Chinese often changed the taste of tofu by mixing it with strongly-flavored vegetables or meat,the Japanese preferred to eat it using only a simple sauce.Even now,traditional Japanese cooking preserves the original delicacy of tofu,though the way it is served may change from season to season.In summer,for example,it is simply served cold,while in winter it is often eaten as part of a hot dish.

The soybean was introduced to the West in the 18th century,but little interest was taken in it.Only scientists recognized its high food value.During the Second World War,when meat was in short supply,the US government encouraged the American people to eat soybean products.However,they never became very popular and,after the war,interest in them dropped off as the supply of meat became plentiful again.

In recent years,people in the west have become increasingly aware of the dangers of eating too much animal fat,and as a result,they have turned more and more to soybean products.This is mainly because the soybean provides almost the same food value as meat,and in addition it is a lot more healthful.Much of the margarine (人造黄油),salad oil and cooking oil in daily use is now produced from soybean oil.Tofu,a representative soybean product and originally one of the main foods in the diet of Chinese priests,is considered to be one of the healthiest foods available to man.

5.Tofu came to Japan together with Buddhism because________.

A.Buddhist priests ate tofu rather than vegetables

B.it was a very important food in the diet of Buddhist priests

C.the religion came to Japan together with political institutions

D.the religion was the most important aspect of Chinese culture

6.How are Japanese tofu dishes different from Chinese tofu dishes?

A.They are preserved in the original taste.

B.They are served the same way throughout the year.

C.They have a better taste than Chinese tofu dishes.

D.They have a greater variety than Chinese tofu dishes.

7.Why did the US government encourage its people to eat soybean products in wartime?

A.Americans recognized their high food value.

B.Little interest was taken in the soybean products.

C.Meat was less available than before.

D.They were found to taste very good.

8.The western people become interested in tofu and other soybean products because________.

A.they have become tired of eating meat

B.meat has become too expensive to buy

C.these products are more readily available

D.eating too much animal fat is considered unhealthy



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