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高三英语月考试题练习Unit 3 Travel journal





Ecotourism:A Different Way to Travel

Are you attracted to obscure places?Do you prefer to vacation away from other tourists?Are you careful to take only memories and to leave only footprints?If you answered yes to more than one of these questions,you just might be an ecotourist.

Ecotourists are people who want to experience the unspoiled natural world—and leave it that way when they return home.This trend started in the 1990s,and ecotourism is now growing three times faster than the tourism industry at large.The Kapawi Ecolodge in Ecuador’s remote Amazon Basin is contributing to that expansion,and it gives a snapshot of what ecotourism looks like.

At the Ecolodge,a small group of cabins sits in the middle of the Achuar people’s reserve and is only accessible by air.From here,visitors can explore parts of the Amazon rainforest seen by few outsiders.As they do,local Achuar guides explain how the forest is like their supermarket,where they find food,clothing,med icine and tools.As a result,tourists learn to appreciate the local culture as well as the natural environment.

The owners of Kapawi pay monthly rent to the Achuar people,but they also train the community to run and manage the lodge.They have agreed on a plan to turn the operation over to the Achuar completely by 2011.Th e owners are working to make ecotourism ben efit and empower the local people.

You probably won’t start your own ecolodge,but you can be an ecotourist if you follow these guidelines:Protect the environment;Support local businesses;Respect the local customs and traditions.

The world is full of fascinating places to visit.As an ecotourist,you can enjoy them yourself and make sure that they remain beautiful for future generations as well.

1.According to the text,the ecotourists should be________.

A.those who like to experience the easily-remembered natura l environment

B.those who like to go to their travelling places by hiking

C.those who prefer an undamaged natural world and remain what it used to be

D.those who prefer unique natural environment of cultural relics

2.At the Kapawi ecolodge,visitors can’t________.

A.explore the Amazon rainforest

B.reach there by air

C.live in the Achuar reserve

D.see many travelers from outside

3.Which of the words is closest in meaning to the word “snapshot” in the second paragraph?

A.Idea.  B.Aim.

C.Adventure. D.Opportunity.

4.We can learn from the passage that________.

A.the Kapawi ecolodge will continue to run and manage the lodge after 2011

B.the Kapawi ecolodge owners are the Achuar in favor of ecotourism

C.the achuar people have benefited a lot by collecting money from ecotourists

D.the owners of Kapawi encourage tourists to appreciate the Achuar culture



As students,all of us will be faced a problem after passed the college entrance examination.Should we choose a good major and a good university first?Here are some different ideas.Some more prefer to choose a major first so they can learn that they are interested in.In this way they can put their hearts into study and got their favorite jobs in the future.Other believe that the environment is important to one’s develop and that graduates from key universities are more likely to find good jobs.As long as I’m concerned,th e best choice is a good university if we can’t obtain all.




1.解析: 考查交际用语。根据答语中的“但我还是会尽力而为的”可以看出,空线处是要表达否定的意思。Anything but的意思是“根本不,绝不”,符合语境。

答案: D

2.解析: 考查名词辨析。从语意“能够流利地讲一门外语在找工作时是一种优势”可知选A项advantage“优势”。B项表示“机会”,C项表示“帮助,援助”,D项表示“重要性”,都与语意不符。

答案: A

3.解析: attitude常与介词to或towards连用,意思是“对……的态度”。

答案: A

4.解析: 句意为:射击原本是一种生存的方式,只是到了19世纪末才发展为一项体育运动。means为单复数同形的名词,意为“方式”,在本句中表示泛指,故用不定冠词;sport作“体育项目”讲时为可数名词,在本句中表示泛指,故也用不定冠词。

答案: A

5.解析: 根据made no donation in the charity party可推知说话对方也认为Stephen吝啬(mean)。

答案: C

6.解析: change one’s mind改变主意;make up one’s mind下定决心;give up放弃。

答案: A


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