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When you think of an artist, you probably think of someone painting on canvas (画布). But Guido Daniele creates fantastic paintings of birds, elephants, tigers, and giraffes by painting on skin. Born in Soverato, Italy, Guido Daniele has been called “Hand Gogh” (after artist Vincent van Gogh) since he began creating works of art on people’s hands in 1990.

Painting on the hands can be a challenge because, unlike canvas, the skin moves when rubbed. Daniele’s models must remain perfectly still for hours as he paints. He often uses his daughter and his son as his “canvases”.

Before he can begin to create his “manimals” (the artist’s name for his hand animals), Daniele studies photographs of the animal that he will be painting in order to be able to understand its character and give it life. “Next,” he says, “I look at the hand from different perspectives (视角) ,and I begin to imagine what is the best way to position the hand for me to paint the animal. “He also studies the skin of the model, preferring it to have little hair and few blemishes (瑕疵).

Daniele starts by drawing on the model’s hand with a pencil. He next paints the skin using watercolors made specifically for body art. The eyes of Daniele’s painted animals look amazingly real, and they are the most difficult part to paint.

Paintings on hands must eventually be washed away. Guido Daniele says that he's gotten used to this part and that he doesn’t really mind seeing his work washed down the drain (排水沟). “Tomorrow, I will paint the next one. The important thing is to take many good photo- graphs before washing the hand!”

64. Daniele’s paintings are mainly about _____.

A. scenery B. plants C. stories D. animals

65. In paragraph 3 the author mainly tells us _____.

A. what Daniele needs to do before painting

B. why Daniele chooses to paint “animals”

C. how Daniele develops this own style of painting

D. how Daniele paints on the skin of his models

66. How does Daniele feel about the fact that his paintings must be washed away? _____.

A. He feels disappointed at this. B. He cares little about this.

C. He is satisfied to see this. D. He in fact can’t accept this.

67. What do we learn about Daniele from the passage? _____.

A. His real name is Hand Gogh. B. His works are mainly drawn with pencils.

C. He is an artist who paints on hands. D. He often asks his wife to be his model.


A small town in southwest Britain is banning (禁止) plastic bags in an attempt to help the environment and cut waste-a step that environmentalists believe is a first for Europe.

Shopkeepers in Modbury population 1,500, agreed to stop handing out disposable plastic bags to customers on Saturday. They said paper sacks and cloth carrier bags would be offered instead.

Last month, San Francisco became the first U.S. city to ban plastic grocery bags. Internationally, laws to discourage the use of plastic bags have been passed in parts of South Africa and Ireland, where governments either tax shoppers who use them or fine companies that hand them out. Bangladesh already bans them, and so do at least 30 remote Alaskan villages.

Modbury, about 225 miles southwest of London, has also declared a bag ammesty (宽限期), allowing local people to hand in plastic bags that have piled up at home. They will be sent for a recycling.

The Modbury ban was the idea of Rebecca Hosking, who saw the effect of bags on marine life while working in the Pacific as a wildlife camerawoman. She said response in the town so far had been “really positive”.

“Modbury is quite an old-fashioned town and a lot of people have wicker(柳条) baskets to go out shopping anyway,” Hosking told Sky News Television.

The World Watch Institute, an environmental research agency, states that 100 billion plastic bags are thrown away each year in the United States alone. More than 500 billion are used yearly around the world.

68. The underlined word “disposable” in the passage probably means _____.

A. acceptable B. valuable C. environmentally-friendly D. long-lasting

69. It can be inferred from the passage that _____. .

A. most of the people in Modbury continue to use plastic bags _____.

B. fewer and fewer plastic bags will be used in the world

C. San Francisco is the first city to ban plastic bags in the world

D. most countries in the world have passed laws to ban plastic bags

70. Which of the following would be the best title of the passage? _____

A. Environmental Protection B. Big Cities Banning Plastic Bags

C. British Town Banning Plastic Bags D. Effect of Plastic bags on Sea Animals


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