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bring sth. to the attention of sb. 使某人关注某事

with attention 专心致志地

be attentive to sth. 专心于某事

lend an attentive ear to 倾听

on (an/the) average 平均

be awkward with 对。。。笨拙


back and forth 来回地,往复地

know sth. backwards 对。。。极其熟悉

badly off 贫困的

as blind as a bat 视力极差的

bear out 证实

bear up 坚持下去,振作起来

bear with 忍受,容忍

give/deal a blow to sb. 给某人打击

at the beginning of 在。。之初

from beginning to end 自始至终

on/in behalf of 代表

bring into being 使出现,使存在

come into being 出现,产生

for the time being 目前,暂时

believe it or not 信不信由你

tighten one’s belt 勒紧腰带,忍饥受寒

public benefit 公益

be of benefit to 对。。。有益

for the benefit of 为了。。。的利益

be bent on 对。。。决意

all the best 万事如意

at best 充其量,至多

make the best of 充分利用

beyond praise 不胜夸奖

a bird in the bush 没把握的事

a bird in the hand 有把握的事

an early bird 早起者,早到者

by birth 在血统上,生来

give birth to 生孩子

bit by bit 渐渐,一点一点地

blame sb. for sth. 因某事责备某人

blame sth. on sb. 把某事归咎到某人

to be blame 应受责备

in full bloom 繁花盛开

blow away 吹走,驱散

blow down 刮倒

blow out 吹熄

blow up (使)爆炸,炸飞,充气

at a(one) blow 一下子

above board 光明正大地

on board 在船上/飞机上

make a boast of 自夸

in the same boat 同舟共济,共患难

body and soul 全心全意

body building 健身,健美

body language 肢体语言

boil down to 意味着,归结为

have a bone to pick with 与。。。争辩,对。。。不满

to the bone 到极点

born of 来源于

Bottoms up!干杯

at the bottom of 在。。。底部,末端

from the bottom of one’s heart 发自内心

be bound to 一定,注定

be bound up in 专注于,忙于

bu bound up with 与。。。有密切关系

bow out 退出

make/earn one’s bread 谋生

out of bread 失业

break away from 脱离

break down 损坏,(把化合物)分解,(汽车)抛锚,垮掉

break in 非法闯入,插嘴,打断

break into 破门而入,非法闯入

break off 打断,折断,中断(谈话)

break out (战争,火灾,疾病)突发

break through 冲破,突破

break up 分解,分裂

short of breath 上气不接下气

feel a breath of spring 感到春的气息

catch/hold one’s breath 摒住呼吸

out of breath 气喘吁吁

bring about 带来,引起,导致

bring back 把。。。拿回来,归还,使回忆起来,使恢复

bring back to life 使复生

bring down 使落下,打倒,降低,减少

bring in 收(庄稼),引进(风尚,话题),挣得(利润)

bring off 成功地做

bring on 使前进,使发展

bring out 取出来,使出现,出版

bring up 教育,培养,提出,呕吐

build on 把。。。建立于,依赖

build up 逐步建立,增进,积聚

bump along 颠簸着行进

bump into 偶遇

burn down 烧毁,烧成平地

burst forth 突发,爆发,冒出

burst in 闯入,突然出现,插嘴,打断

burst into 闯入,突然。。。起来

burst out 突然。。。起来,(战争,疾病)突发

by and by 不久之后

by day 日间,在白天


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