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.be used for/be used as/be used by  be used for表示“被用作……”或“被用来作……”,后面接名词或v-ing,其中for表示目的。  be used as表示“作为……而用”或“用作……”,后面接名词或动词不定式,强调使用的工具及手段。  be used by表示“由……使用”,后面接指人的名词或代词,强调使用者。

【练习】用be used for,be used as或be used by填空。 ①A telephone better communication(交流). ②The motorbike Liu Ming. ③A ruler often a knife by him to cut a piece of paper open. 【Keys】is used for;is used by;is,used as

26. be pleased with; be pleased at(或about);be pleased to

1) The manager ___ you before.

2) My boss must ___ see you again in HongKong.

3) I ___ seeing so many students present.

4) I hear Mr Zhao ___ your article.

析: ①was pleased with。表示“对……满意;喜欢……”后面通常接指人的名词或代词。 ②be pleased to。表示“很高兴或很乐意做某事”,其中to是不定式符号,后面接动词原形。 ③am pleased at(或about)。be pleased at(或about)表示“对(看到或听到的)事感到高兴,”后面接指事的名词或v-ing。 ④is pleased at(或about)。解析同③。

27. be to do sth;be about to do sth;be going to do sth.

 be to do sth.表示按计划或安排即将发生的动作,后可跟时间状语。如:

You're to hand in your papers by 10 o'clock.十点钟以前你得交上试卷。

 be about to do sth.表示打算或安排即将发生的动作,它通常不与时间状语连用。如:

I was about to go out when someone knocked at the door.我正要出去,这时有人敲门。

 be going to do sth.有三层含义:


We're going to spend our holidays in Wales this year. 今年我们打算到威尔士度假。


I'm going to be twenty next month. 下个月我就二十岁了。


Look at those black clouds, there is going to be a storm. 瞧那些乌云,暴风雨就要来了。

28 beat; strike; hit strike通常表示“打一下、打若干下”,不一定都是有意的;还有“打动、使……着迷、某种想法突然闪现在脑海里”的含义;也可指“打、擦出(火),(蛇、兽)抓,咬,或(钟)敲响”。

 hit指“打中”或“对准……来打”,“敲打或打击对方的某一点”。

 beat着重“连续地打击”。如:殴打或体罚;也指在游戏、竞赛或战争中击败对方;也指“心跳”。

29 blame; scold blame“责备;责怪”,指某人应对自己不好的行为负责(常与for连用),或将某件不好的事情归咎于他人(常与on或upon连用),往往含有把自己当作评判人来评判某事,没有用言语来进行责骂的意思。例如:

He blamed Tom for the failure. 他责怪汤姆造成了失败。

Don't blame it on him, but on me. 别怪他,该怪我。

 scold“责骂”,指唠唠叨叨地数说某人,多用于上级对下级、长辈对晚辈的“责骂”。例如:

Don't scold the child.It's not his fault. 不要责骂那孩子,这不是他的过失。

I hate to scold, son, but you mustn't stay out so late at night.


30 blow down; blow in; blow off; blow over  blow down表示“吹倒”、“刮倒”;blow in表示“吹进”、“吹入”;blow off表示“吹掉”、“炸掉”、“发泄”;blow over表示“暴风雨 吹散”、“过去”、“结束”。


1) The high winds yesterday _____ thousands of trees. 2) We sometimes had quarrels, but they soon _____. 3) I had my hat ____ by the wind. 4) A lot of dust ____.You must clear it away. Key: 1) blew down 2) blew over 3) blown off 4) has blown in

31 . break up; break down; break out; break into; break in; break away; break through  break up表示“打碎”、“变坏”、“分解”、“终止”、“破裂”。

 break down表示“瓦解”、“分解”、“失败”、“出故障”、“破坏”、“拆毁”。

 break out表示“爆发”、“突然发生”。

 break into表示“强行进入”、“闯入”、“破门而入”、“打断(谈话、讨论)”、“突然……起来”。

 break in表示“闯入”、“打断”、“插嘴”,其中in是副词。

 break away表示“脱逃”、“脱离”、“突然离开”、“革除”、“戒除”,常与from连用。

 break through表示“战胜”、“突围”、“穿过……而出现”、“突破”。


①He said his computer _____.

②Those old cars will be ____ for scrap(废铁).

③Last night somebody ____ Mr Brown's house and took away many things.

④A fire ____ after we had gone home.

⑤The boy often ____ while his parents are speaking.

⑥You must ____ from bad habits.

⑦After the heavy rain the sun ____ the clouds.

⑧A thief ____ and stole a lot of things last night.

⑨Tom ____the motor bike which he bought five years ago.

⑩The ice began to ____ on the river.

(Key:①had broken down ②broken up ③broke into ④broke out ⑤breaks in

⑥break away ⑦broke through ⑧broke in ⑨broke down ⑩break up)

 bring on;bring in;bring out

 bring on 使发生;引起;端上(饭菜)。如:

Tom often brings on meals and his brother,Jim picks up the dishes after meals.


The sudden cold weather brought on his cold again. 天气突然变冷,使他再次感冒。

 bring in 引来;引进;吸收。如:

His new business brings in 1,000 dollars. 他的新生意使他赚了一千美元。

We also brought in some words from English. 我们也从英语中吸收了一些词汇。

 bring out 取出;说出;阐明;出版。如:

He brought out his gun and pointed at me.他掏出枪来指着我。

Bring out the meaning more clearly.请把意思讲清楚些。

They have brought out a set of children’s books.他们出版了一套儿童读物。

32 bring down; bring back; bring up; bring in  bring down表示“使倒下”、“减少”、“降低(价格、温度)”; bring back表示“使回想起”、“归还”、“带回来”; bring up表示“呕吐出”、“养育”; bring in表示“把......引进来”、“赚入”、“获利”、“把......拿进来”、“吸收”。


1) Her singing _____ memories of my mother. 2) They also ____ some words from their own languages. 3) The wind ____ a number of trees. 4) He _____ all he had eaten. 5) Can you try to get them to ____ the price﹖ 6) All library books must be ____ before June 25. 7) Mr White ____ $500 a week. 8) You must manage to _____ the temperature. Key: 1) brings back 2) brought in 3) brought down 4) brought up 5) bring down 6) brought back 7) is bringing in 8) bring down

33 broad; wide 两者都表示两边或两点之间的距离都有“宽的”之意, 但broad着重某物覆盖面的范围 (如肩、背、胸等的宽),还可表示“宽宏大量”;wide着重指边沿间相隔的距离以及“广泛”之意。如:

Looking at the new-type camera, the young man with broad shoulders was surprised with his mouth wide open.


He’s a broad-minded person; he’ll never be disappointed by such a small failure.


34 but/however 这两个连词都有“但是,可是,然而”之意。but连接两个分句或有关部分,表示转折或逻辑上的对比关系,使用最广,口语中更为常见。如:

We love peace but we are not afraid of war.我们热爱和平,但我们并不害怕战争。

 however转折意味比but弱,连接的两个分句或有关部分的关系较为松弛,后一部分常起附带说明或衬托作用。however常以插入语形式出现在句子中间,前后用逗号隔开,也可置于句首或句末。如:

Later,however,he decided to go.可是后来他决定去了。

35 by oneself;oneself  by oneself=alone,without help。强调“在无他人或他物的情况下”或“无帮助的情况下”;

 oneself作同位语,表示强调本人。


If you come to my house,I’ll cook for you myself.


Can you cook by yourself now? 你现在能单独做饭了吗?(强调无他人协作)

36 by sea;by the sea  by sea意为“走海路;坐轮船”,其中by表示乘坐交通工具或行走方式,by与名词间不可用冠词;by the sea意为“在海边”,其中by表示“在……旁边”,by与后面的名词间常有冠词修饰。如:

They will go to America by sea. 他们将坐轮船去美国。

There is a small village by the sea.海边有个小村庄。


by ship 乘船 by a ship 在一艘轮船旁边

by land 从陆路 by the land 在岸边(在陆地旁边)

by taxi 乘出租车 by the taxi 在出租车旁边

by road 从陆路 by the road 在路边


37 catch sb.doing sth; be (get) caught in sth.  catch sb.doing sth.作“碰(遇)上某人正在做某事”解。例如:

The policeman caught two men fighting in the street.警察碰见两个人在街上打架。

The man was caught stealing the apples.那人偷苹果时,被当场发现。

 be (get) caught in sth.“遇上……而受阻”之意。例如:

I got caught in the traffic.我因交通堵塞而受阻。

I was caught in a storm on my way to school.我在去学校的路上遇到了暴雨。

 38 care about; care for; care; care to  care about“关心;计较;在乎”,指由于某事重要,或因责任所在而关心计较,一般用于否定句。如: He doesn't care about his clothes.他不讲究衣着。 I don't care about going there.去不去那里,我无所谓。  care for“关心;照料;喜欢;愿意”。作“关心;照料”讲,一般用于肯定句或疑问句。如: Who will care for your children when you are away﹖ 你离开期间谁照顾你的孩子? How the Party cares for us! 党是多么关心我们啊! Would you care for a walk? 你愿意去散步吗? He cares more for fine new clothes than for anything else. 他喜爱漂亮的新衣胜于其他的一切。  care还可作及物动词,但其后通常接从句。如: I don't care who you are.我不管你是谁。 I don't care what you say.不论你说什么,我都不在乎。  care to“愿意,欲望”,后接动词原形。如: I don’t care to go there.我不愿意去那里。

39 carry off; carry away; carry out  表示“运走”;“掠走”,用carry off或carry away均可。但两者也有不同之处:carry off可表示“夺得”某种奖赏;carry away可表示“吸引住”。如: After destroying the village, the enemy carried off/away all the cattle. 在毁掉村子之后,敌人把牲畜都掠走了。 I carried off the first prize.我获得了头等奖。 We were carried away by her songs.她的歌声令我们浑然忘我。  carry out的意思是“搬出(某物)”;“履行(计划或义务等)”。如: Would you please carry out the desk into the garden﹖ 请你把桌子搬到花园里去好吗? You must carry out your duty. 你必须履行你的职责。

40 carry out; carry on 注意两者的区别:carry out意为“执行、实行”;carry on表示“(继续)进行、进行下去”,强调坚持。如:


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