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高三英语教案 冠词备考复习教案



解析:句意:许多生活方式对人类的健康有害,他们加速了人类身体的衰退。本题考查冠词,对……有害用短语“do harm to”表示,中间无需冠词;之后的weakening是由动词的ing形式表示抽象的名词,表达一种概念、状况时需要加上the。

(10四川)2. In             most countries, a university degree can give you             flying start in life.

A. the; a        B. the; 不填      C.不填; 不填       D.不填; a



解析: most countries此处表泛指,most前不加定冠词the.第二个空处应为“一个高起点的开始”,故用a ,正确答案为D。

(2011•全国II)16.As he reached _____front door, Jack saw ______strange sight.【D】

A.the;不填 B.a; the  C.不填a  D.the; a

(2011•陕西卷)13.As is know to all,         People’s Republic of China is        Biggest developing country in the world.【C】

A.the ;不填    B.不填 ;the

C.the ;the    D.不填;不填

(2011•四川卷)18.Dr.Peter Spemce,          headmaster of the school, told us,         fifth of pupils here go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge.【A】

A.不填;A       B.不填;The       C.the; The        D.a; A

(2011•江西卷)22.------It’s said John will be in a job paying over 860,00 _____ year

-----He will also get paid by  _____ week.【B】

A.the; the       B.a; the      C.        D.a; a

(2011•全国新课标卷)33.It is generally accepted that    boy must learn to stand up and fight like   man.【A】

A.a; a      B.a; the      C.the; the     D.a; 不填

(2011•浙江卷)2.Experts think that ____recently discovered painting may be _____ Picasso.【D】

A.the.不填    B.a; the       C.a;不填     D.the; a

(2011•山东卷)21.Take your time-it’s just ____short distance from here to_____ restaurant.【B】

A.不填;the B.a; the C.the; a D.不填;a

(2011•重庆卷)26.In communication, a smile is usually ___________ strong sign of a friendly and _______ open attitude.【C】

A.the, /        B.a, an C.a, /          D.the, an


1. Tom owns ________ larger collection of ________ books than any other student in our class.

A. the; 不填                        B. a; 不填

C. a; the                             D. 不填; the

2. For a long time they walked without saying ________ word. Jim was the first to break ________ silence.

A. the; a                              B. a; the

C. a; 不填                           D. the; 不填

3. When he left ________ college, he got a job as ________ reporter in a newspaper office.

A. 不填;a                          B. 不填;the

C. a ; the                              D. the ; the

4. If you buy more than ten, they knock 20 pence off ________ .

A. a price                             B. price

C. the price                           D. prices

5. ________ on-going division between English-speaking Canadians and French-speaking Canadians is ________ major concern of the country.

A. The; 不填                         B. The; a

C. An; the                              D. An; 不填

6. The Wilsons live in ________ A-shaped house near the coast. It is ¬¬¬ ________ 17th century cottage.

A. the , /                                B. an, the

C. /, the                                 D. an, a

7. When you come here for your holiday next time, don’t go to ________ hotel; I can find you ________ bed in my flat.

A. the; a                                 B. the; 不填

C. a; the                                 D. a; 不填

8. When you finish reading this book, you will have ________ better understanding of ________ life.

A. a, the                                  B. the, a

C. /, the                                   D. a, /

9. It is ________ world of wonders ________ world where anything can happen.

A. a, the                                  B. a, a

C. the, a                                  D. 不填, 不填

10. The most important thing about cotton in history is ________ part that it played in ________ Industrial Revolution.

A. 不填;不填                        B. the;不填

C. the; the                               D. a; the

11. While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, Newton made ________ discover which completely changed ________ man’s understanding of color.

A. a…不填                              B. a…the

C. 不填…the                            D. the…a

12. —I’d like ________ information about the management of your hotel, please.

—Well, you could have ________ word with the manager. He might be helpful.

A. some, a                                B. an, some

C. some, some                           D. an, a

13. Many people agree that ________ knowledge of English is a must in ________ international trade today.

A. a; /                                        B. the; an

C. the; the                                  D. /;the

14. —Have you seen ________ pen? I left it here this morning.

—Is it ________ black one? I think I saw it somewhere.

A. a; the                                      B. the; the

C. the; a                                      D. a; a

15. Paper money was in ________ use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in ________ thirteenth century.

A. the; 不填                                B. the; the

C. 不填; the                                D. 不填; 不填

16. Most animals have little connection with ________ animals of ________ different kind unless they kill them for food.

A. the; a                                      B. 不填; a

C. the; the                                   D. 不填; the

17. Jumping out of ________ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite ________ exciting experience.

A. 不填, the                                  B. 不填, an

C. an, an                                       D. the, the

18. The sign reads “In case of ________ fire, break the glass and press ________ red button.”

A. / ; a                                         B. / ; the

C. the; the                                    D. a; a

19. On ________ news today, there were ________ reports of heavy snow in that area.

A. the; the                                     B. the; 不填

C. 不填;不填                              D. 不填;the


1. B. 因为collection (收藏品,收集物) 是可数名词,此处为单数,又不是特指,所以用不定冠词;books是名词复数表示种类,而非特指,所以不用冠词。又如:a fine collection of paintings精美的绘画收藏品。

2. B. word (话、话语) 是可数名词,without saying a word意为“没说一句话”;虽然silence (沉默)是不可数名词,但此处是特指前面提到的那种沉默,所以用the。

3. A. 因为school, college, university, hospital, prison, church, table, bed名词等指其用途时,不用冠词。leave college意为“大学毕业”。又因为表示职业或身份的单数名词前通常要用不定冠词,所以选A。

4. C. price前加定冠词表特指。句意为“如果你买10个以上,他们会从那个价钱中减掉20便士”。

5. B. 因为division后有介词短语between…and…的限制,这是特指的,所以要用the。又因为concern作“所关切的事”解是可数名词,所以前面要用冠词。

6. D. 因为house和cottage都是可数名词,且都不是特指,所以都用不定冠词。句意是“威尔逊一家住在大海附近的一栋A形房子里,那是一座17世纪建的别墅”。

7. A. 从next time可知,对方这次住了旅馆,第一空的hotel就是特指这个旅馆,所以用the;第二空的单数可数名词bed不是特指的,所以用不定冠词。句意是:你下次来这里度假,就不要到这旅馆来住了,我在我的公寓里帮你弄张床。

8. D. 虽然understanding是不可数名词,但作“了解、理解”解时,却常常要加不定冠词(尤其是当其前有形容词修饰时),排除B和C。又因为life作“生活、人生”解,是不可数名词,不是特指,不用冠词。have a better understanding of life指“对生活有更深刻的理解”。

9. B. 虽然通常说the world,但world有定语修饰时,表示“一个…的世界”时,要用不定冠词。题中两个world都有定语修饰,后者是前者的同位语,所以两个都用不定冠词。句意是:这是一个奇妙的世界,一个什么事都有可能发生的世界。

10. C. 因part后面有一定语从句修饰,是特指,用the;又因为“工业革命”是由普通名词构成的专有名词,所以前面也要用the。


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