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高三英语教案 将来进行时






1----5 DCBBA       6----10 DDDBA    11----15 ABCDC     16----20 ABBBC


21----25 AABCA    26----30 BDBBA


1. will be lying    2. will/ shall be having   3. would happen   4. returned


5. would take     6. will call      7. to pass     8. was about to tell


9. be using       10. was about to close




1. was to  改成 was about to         2. will 改成  would  


3. will run 改成  runs             4. was going to come  改成 was coming  


5. Are 改成 Were




1. I was about to jump into the river when a snake appeared.


2. We shall be flying to South America this time next month.


3. It was reported that another satellite would be sent up in Jiu Quan.


4. She was going to take a trip to Europe this summer vacation, but she lost her job to the financial crisis.


5. My friend told me he would start his research project next month.




1----5  BABCB      6----10  CACAD     11----15   DCCBD


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