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storage 储藏,储存   tank 箱,罐,桶,槽;坦克

plant 工厂(factory, works)   tentative  尝试的,试探的,试验性的

operator 操作员(operate, operation)  systematic 系统的(system)


put pressure on  给……施加压力         on top of 另外,此外

at risk处于危险状态 (at the risk of)       in debt  负债

without doubt毫无疑问 (no doubt, in doubt)   push for 努力争取

at a crossroads处在抉择的关键时刻         show off 展示,炫耀

be dependent on依靠,依赖;随……而      solar energy 太阳能

grand opening 正式开业,盛大开业      in danger 处于危险状态

put ... into practice 将……付诸实施      fill one’s belly 填饱肚子

contribute to 有助于,促使(发生某情况);power plant 发电厂

standards of living 生活标准   set alarm bells ringing  敲响警钟


1. in doing sth. (on/upon doing)    2. so ... that ... (so that)

3. There is a saying that goes ...(As the saying goes, ...)

4. 祈使句+and/or+陈述句

5. One way to do sth. is to do/by doing sth.

6. It is believed that ... (sb./sth. is believed to ...)

7. in order for sb. to do sth. (in order for sth. to be done)

8. sth. makes/made it difficult for sb. to do sth.


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