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高三英语模块考点Unit 1复习教案



3) 了结;结束;变缓和

Eg. I hope your troubles clear up soon.


4) 天气放晴

Eg. The weather has cleared up soon.

15.  go about something 继续做某事

Eg. All the employees at the company are going about their business as usual despite the threat of bankruptcy.

16.  gain weight  增肥    lose weight  减肥

17.  substance 物质,实质

in substance 本质上, 大体上

18. drag-dragged-dragged  拖,拽,拉

drag sb. into doing sth. 是某人勉强做某事

drag out 拖延(时间)drag out a meeting

19. approach  v. 对付,处理, 向---靠近 n. 方法

Eg.  approach a problem 处理问题

approach the enemy’s ship 靠近敌人的船

a correct approach to the subject 研究这个问题的正确方法

20. determined adj. 坚决的, 决议的

be determined to do sth.   下定决心做某事

21. ideal n. 理想 adj. 理想的

realize one's ideal 实现最终目的

an ideal place for camping

22. organize v. 组织 organization n.  organized adj. 有组织的  organizer

23. correspond with 符合, 一致

24. real(adj.)真实的reality(n.) 现实realistic (adj.) 现实的,实际的

25. jewellery [总称]珠宝, 镶嵌有宝石之饰物(不可数)

a piece of jewellery 一件珠宝

jeweler 珠宝商

26. in detail 详细地

27. chew on 考虑(P5)

Important sentences:

1. Some jobs may seem very dull but are very important to society, while others can appear very exciting but are actually very difficult and boring.(P2,L6-8)

while 在此处解释为“而”

2. When choosing a career, you should consider all the aspects of a job.(P2,L6)

3. Some jobs seem very dull------(P2,L7)

While others can appear very exciting------(P2,L7)

They are also under huge pressure to appear young and beautiful.(L17)

Many have painful surgery to make their faces and bodies look more attractive.(P2,L19)

4. In reality, these people------,with all their baggage packed in suitcases.(P2, L12.)

5. All these people love their jobs, which might not be popular, but are interesting regardless.(P3,L39)

6. If there was no one letter clearly chosen most, look at the two most frequently chosen.(P14,L30)

7. These people take great pleasure in influencing, persuading,---(P15,L52)

8. These people are talented at administration, like to work ---(P15,L57)


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