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高三英语A healthy life教案



(1)It_is_high_time the teacher dismissed the class.

(2)It_was_the_second_time that the teacher had been interrupted.

(3)It_was_for_the_second_time that the teacher was interrupted.

(4)By_the_time I got home, they had finished supper.

(5)There_was_a_time_when_I was often bullied by my classmates.

(6)The_first_time I met her in Shanghai, I fell in love with her.



It's Saturday already. It's high time for you to put down your work.


It's about time that we should plan for our future.


(  )(3)It's high time that we students ______ even harder at our lessons as the national entrance examination is coming nearer.

A. work                                    B. will work

C. worked                                 D. have to work

(  )(4)My train arrives in Shanghai at 10 this morning.  By that time the plane I would like to take ______ from there.

A. is leaving                                 B. will have left

C. has left                                     D. will leave

(  )(5)— It's the second time that I ______ to Shanghai.

— What great changes! It's ten years since I ______ it last time.

A. have been; left                      B. had been; left

C. am; had left                           D. come; had left

(  )(6)I thought her nice and honest ______ I met her.

A. first time                         B. for the first time

C. the first time                    D. by the first time

(  ) (2010•湖南)John's success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work ______ has made him what he is today.

A. why                                               B. when

C. which                                            D. that

It_is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick.(P22)

D 考查强调句型。题干为强调句型,被强调部分为years of hard work,故选D项。


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