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高三英语教案 Casptain Cook




1.In summer we enjoy_______ under the big trees, playing cards together.

A. sitting B. to sit C. seated D. seating

2.I regret______ unable to help you.

A. to be B. that I can be C. being D. for being

3.I think it no use _____a lot without _______ anything.

A. talking, doing B. to talk, do C. talked, doing D. talking, being done

4. He was praised for_______ the little girl out of the river.

A. help B. to help C. having helped D. being helped

5.How about_____ to the concert with us?

A. to go B. go C. going D. gone

6.He was lucky that he escaped _______.

A. to punish B. being punished C. punishing D. to be punished

7.I didn’t feel like _____, so I suggested______ a walk.

A.to work, to take B. working, taking C. to work, taking D. working,taking

8.I have not got used ______in the center of the city.

A.live B. living C. to live D. to living

9.When I heard the hero’s report, I could not help ______.

A. to be moved B. being moved C. moving D. to move

10.This problem has been settled. It______ any more.

A. needs discussing B. needs to be discussed C. needn’t being discussed D.doesn’t need discussing

11.Can you imagine _____ alone on a lonely island?

A.to live B. living C. live D. yourself to live

12._____ made his father very happy.

A.Alice married Peter B. Alice’s married Peter C. Alice’s marrying Peter

D. Alice being married Peter

13.I can’t understand______ without saying goodbye to me.

A. you leaving B. you to leave C. for you to leave D. you leave

14.I really appreciate ______ to help me.

A.your offering B. for you to offer C. of you to offer D. for your offering

15.I was surprised at _____the task so soon.

A. his completed B. his having completed C. his having completing D. him completed

16.The thief ran so fast that he missed _______.

A. catching B. to be caught C. being caught D. to catch

17.Seeing is _____ .

A. believing B. to be believed C. to believing D. being believed

18._____ at the class meeting made us encouraged.

A. He having being praised B. His having been praised

C. He being praised D. For him to have praised

19.The little boy doesn’t mind_____ alone at home.

A. being left B. left C. leaving D. to be left

20.You can speak English well if you _____ it

A.keep on practising to speak B. keep to practise to speak

C. keep on practising speaking D. keep on to practise to speak

Key: 1---5 ACACC 6---10 BBDBD 11---15 BCAAB 16---20 CABAC

教学设计方案Lesson 5

Step 1: Lead in

Show the Ss a picture of Caption Cook, at the same time ask the Ss what do they know about him.

What was his nationality? (English)

Since we call him “Captain”, what do you think of his job? (Sailor)

What country did he discover? (Australia)

Do you know that there is a famous strait called “Cook Strait”?

Step 2 listening

Listen to the tape to find out the answer to the following questions.(twice)”

What are they going to take with them for their long journey? And why?

Food: for them to eat Vinegar: clean the inside of the ship

Cabbage in vinegar: keep them healthy.

Live animals: a) pigs: provide them with meat.

b) sheep : provide them with meat.

c) chickens: provide them with eggs and meat

Step3 Practice

Ask the Ss to read the dialogue in pairs.

Step4.Recite the bold sentences.

Step5.key words and phrases:

expedition,insist on doing,suffer fever,live animals,hear of sth,keep sb healthy,suggest doing

Step6.language points:

1.live , living

living:活着的,adj live:adj,有生命力的

a living fish:一条活鱼 a live fish:一条活蹦乱跳的鱼

2.Insist on doing, insist that…do…..

介词on后面加动名词doing; insist 表示“坚持”别人应该做某事,用should do,should 可省略。I insist on taking proper food for this epedition. I shall insist that they do from now on.

3.Have you decided which boat to take, sir?在某个范围内选择一个,用which.

4.keep them healthy. Healthy,为形容词作宾补,对宾语进行补充说明。

Step 7 Ex 1 on p 149 in the WB Do Ex 2 on p 7 in the SB

Step 8 Homework Do Ex2&3 on p149 in the WB


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