I. Festival 2. agricultural 3. anergetic 4. apoligize 5. balanced 6. frustrated 7. curiosity 8. discount 9. digested/understood 10. benefited 11. permits 12. contrary 13. reserved 14. am1. ount 15. theory 16. atmosphere 17. harmful 18. existed 19. measures 20. approximately6. in memory of 7. get the papers together 8. is covered with 9. for you to lose weight 10. is made of
II. 1. is meant to 2. took place 3. looking forward to 4. offered me halp 5. play a trick on 6. in memory of 7.get the papers together 8. is covered with 9. for you to lose weight 10.is made of 11. must have heard 12. have you saying 13. the other day 14. before long 15. put on more weight 16. turned into 17. bring up 18. is set in 19. as a matter of fact 20. On the contrary
III. 1. I wonder, do, a favor 2. no doubt that 3. either, or 4. a time when 5. as/though 6. no, more active than 7. It, that he is 8. must have been 9. It is, pity that 10. On the east of, is/lies
I. 1-5CCCAC 6-10 AACBD 11-15 CABCD 16-20 CCBBB
II. 1-5CBADB 6-10 CDCBA 11-15BCBAD 16-20 BDCBA
I. 1-5 CBDAD 6-8 AAC
II. 1-5 DCBAD 6-10 BDCAA 11-15 CCBCC
III. As in shown in the picture,we plant trees and we will enjoy the shade ourselves as well as our grandchildren. Everybody knows nature is to us what water is to fish.Yet we don’t realize it until it is too late.With the development of modern technology, there are more and more people on the earth and fewer and fewer resources left. What’s worse, pollution is getting more and more serious and the climate is becoming warmer and warmer. Therefore we should take measures to build a harmonious relationship between man and nature. On the one hand, in our daily life we can recycle water and turn off lights when necessary; while on the other hand, we can choose to use public transport rather than use private cars to reduce carbon emission. Speaking of consumption, we had better choose energy-saving goods and eat less processed food. Undoubtedly , there are still more for us to do to make a positive difference.
IV. To protect nature means to protect ourselves and our younger generation. Let’s do it now!
V. 附加题 1-5 EBCGA
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