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61.Joan loves the outdoors and water sports but hates the winter cold so is looking for a place where she can warm her bones while having plenty of fun.

62.Robert, his wife Julie and their two children want to visit a park where he and the kids can have fun in the snow and Julie can stay warm indoors while doing some holiday reading.

63.Bob sees himself as an outdoor adventurer and wants something that is more challenging than the normal mountain climbing and skiing he does when he visits other parks.

64.John and his 14-year-old son are experienced outdoorsmen who want to go on a challenging holiday. They enjoy walking and cycling through the countryside while avoiding crowds.

65.Selma is a water lover. She wants to get out of the city and takes her 10-year-old daughter somewhere safe, where they can enjoy nature and see different types of animals.

第四部分 写作(共三节,满分35分)

第一节 词语搭配(共10题;每小题1分,满分10分)


66. _____________(农业)in our country is developing rapidly and the farmers are living a better life now.

67. Mary reunited with her twin sister after 20 years’ _______________(分离,分开)from each other.

68. The ___________ (每年一度的)rainy season is coming .We should be well prepared for it .

69.It’s _____________(怀疑的,不肯定的)if this painting is a Picasso.

70.This house _____________ (重建)in 1999.

71. ________________(实际上), he is not telling the truth.

72. Brian is making every effort to _______________(摆脱,脱离) the control of his parents.

73. The increasing number of private cars _____________(引起,导致)the serious air pollution.

74. It is time that we ______________ (采取行动)to do something to reduce pollution.


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