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英语高二必修三Unit5语言点总结:Canada ─ “The True North”



eg. He was terrified of being left alone in the room.

You terrified me just now!

The thunderstorm terrified the child.

12. official

a) adj: relating to a public office

eg. He gave me an official letter.

The official language of the country is English.

Is the news official?

b) n: person who holds a position of authority

eg. The government officials are having a meeting.

He is an official at the local bank.

The mayor is an elected official.

13. tour

a) n: visit other places or journey through which performances are given

eg. Mr. Adams made a tour around East Asia last year.

He joined a bicycling tour.

The film star is on tour in our city.

b) v: make a tour

eg. We’ll tour around Italy for our holiday this summer.

Many Americans tour by car

14.settle v: make one’s home in a place.

eg. After years of travel, we decided to settle here.

He settled in Canada at last.

They got married and settled near Beijing.

15. broad adj: wide

eg. He worked in the broad fields.

It is a broad river.

He has broad shoulders.

16. eastward adv: towards the east

eg. They sailed eastward.

We couldn’t decide whether to go eastward or westward.

Useful expressions

1. settle down: sit or lie in a comfortable position or get used to a new way of life, job etc eg. She settled down in an armchair to read a book.

Mary is settling down well in her new job.

He got used to settling down in the foreign country.

2. have a gift for: natural talent or ability

eg. He has a gift for music.

Tom has a gift for making friends.

The girl has a gift for learning English.

3. figure out : work out or understand

eg. She figured out the problem at last.

The boss asked me to figure out the cost of the plan.

I can't figure him out.

4. as far as

a) to the extent that; as much as

eg. As far as I know, the book is popular with students.

As far as I know, he is likely to come.

I'll help you as far as I can.

b) the same distance as

eg. They walked as far as the lake.

The children walked as far as the seaside.

I’ll walk as far as the post office.

5. rather than : in preference to sb or sth; instead

eg. I think I will have a cold drink rather than coffee.

Rather than getting money in such a dishonest way, Tom would beg in the street.


I’d call her hair chestnut rather than brown

I prefer to go in summer rather than in winter.






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