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高二英语Unit5短语知识点:Canada—“The True North”



英语是一种多中心语言。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高二英语Unit5短语知识点,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。

1.surround vt. & vi.围绕,包围

surrounding adj.周围的 surroundings n.环境 be surrounded by/with...被??包围 区分surroundings,conditions ,environment,circumstances

(1) surroundings,常用复数,指周围的环境。

(2) environment ,范围比surroundings大,指大的自然环境,也指社会环境。

(3) circumstances 形势、情况 ,还可以指“境地,境遇”,尤指经济状况。

(4)conditions 虽有“环境”含义,却更接近汉语的“条件working/living/housing


2. impress;

1)impress sb. with sth.给?以深刻印象 The girl impressed her friend with her confidence.

2)be impressed by/with/at?对?印象深刻

3)make a good impression on sb. 4) impressive: 印象深刻的,感人的

3. distance 1)in the distance 在远方 2)at a distance of在??远的地方

3)keep sb. at a distance 对??冷淡;与??疏远

4)distant adj. 遥远的(空间);久远的(时间),疏远的,冷淡的(态度)

区分 remote: 偏远的

4. 1)or rather: 更加确切的说 2) rather than 而不是

3) other than 除??以外(=except/but); 不同与

5. As/So far as it goes 就现状/目前来说

As far as the eye can see.就视力所能及

As far as I know;据我所知 by far大大地;?得多(修饰比较,最高级)

so far 迄今为止;到目前为止 far from 远非,一点也不

6. measure: 测量;衡量;判定;计量单位,措施

The room measures 10 meters across .(量起来:注意主动语态)

The tailor measured me for a suit.. take effective measures: 采取有效措施

7. 1)aboard: 介词/副词:在船,飞机,火车,汽车上

2)abroad:副词,在国外 study abroad: 在国外学习

3) broad: 宽的

4)board: n.板, 木板 ;委员会, 董事会 on board=aboard v. a)上(船、车或飞机) board a plane 登机

b))搭伙,寄宿 Several college students boarded with the retired couple。

8. broad 与wide

broad; 幅面的宽广,还修饰“背,肩,胸”的宽广如:broad shoulder/chest/back

wide: 着重一边到另一边距离,但可修饰“耳,眼with one’s eyes wide open

9. downtown 市区的,在市区,往市区

1)adj.如:downtown areas 市区,商业中心 2)adv.如: go downtown去市区

10. mix?with? 把?与?混合

11. not the slightest; 一点也不be slightly wounded: 轻微受伤

12. be located in:.坐落于..., 位于... =be situated in=lie in

13. border n. 边界,国界border(on) sth. vt / vi 与?接壤;接近

bordering: 周边的 = neighboring

14. at dawn :在黎明 at dusk: 在黄昏from dawn till dusk:从天亮到天黑

the dawn of victory: 胜利的曙光




英语高二必修三重点词汇Unit 5 Canada-The True North


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