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Word usage

1. surround v: extend on all sides of ; encircle

eg. Trees surround our house.

The police surrounded the thief。

The wall surrounds our school.

2.extremely adv: to a very high degree.

eg. That’s extremely interesting.

We got on extremely well.

I am extremely sorry.

3. within prep: not more than

eg. She returned within an hour.

If you don’t hear anything within three days, phone again.

They finished the house within half a year.

He lives within five minutes’ walk.

4. slightly adv: to a slight degree

eg. The patient is slightly better today.

I know her slightly.

She speeded up slightly.

I feel slightly ill today.

5. distance n: separation in space or time [C][U][(+to/from/between)]

eg. It is a long distance from New York to Hongkong.

The distance between the two places is twenty kilometers.

What is the distance to Guangzhou?

词组in the distance: 在远处

They saw a few houses in the distance.

There is light in the distance.

6.wealthy adj: rich

eg. He was the eldest son of a wealthy family.

It is a wealthy city in the country.

He is a wealthy man.

7.dawn n: the first glimpse of light in the morning

eg. The dawns here are beautiful.

该词通常构成词组at dawn

We must get up at dawn.

They take the boat out every day at dawn.

The scenery is beautiful at dawn.

8. downtown adv or adj: in the business center of a city or a town

eg. They went downtown to do some shopping.

It is a downtown city.

9. flow vi: to move freely

eg. The river Thames flows into the North Sea.

The river flows rapidly.

After the concert the people flowed out of the hall.

The blood flowed out.


a) n: outer area

eg. Their house is on the border of the river.

They picked on the border of the lake.

Her handkerchief has a white border.

b) n: boundary of country

eg. They were near the border between France and Germany.

It is a border city.

They will ask for your passport at the border.

11. terrify : make someone feel terrified

eg. He was terrified of being left alone in the room.

You terrified me just now!

The thunderstorm terrified the child.

12. official

a) adj: relating to a public office

eg. He gave me an official letter.

The official language of the country is English.

Is the news official?

b) n: person who holds a position of authority

eg. The government officials are having a meeting.

He is an official at the local bank.

The mayor is an elected official.

13. tour

a) n: visit other places or journey through which performances are given

eg. Mr. Adams made a tour around East Asia last year.

He joined a bicycling tour.

The film star is on tour in our city.

b) v: make a tour

eg. We’ll tour around Italy for our holiday this summer.

Many Americans tour by car

14.settle v: make one’s home in a place.

eg. After years of travel, we decided to settle here.

He settled in Canada at last.

They got married and settled near Beijing.

15. broad adj: wide

eg. He worked in the broad fields.

It is a broad river.

He has broad shoulders.

16. eastward adv: towards the east

eg. They sailed eastward.

We couldn’t decide whether to go eastward or westward.

Useful expressions

1. settle down: sit or lie in a comfortable position or get used to a new way of life, job etc eg. She settled down in an armchair to read a book.

Mary is settling down well in her new job.

He got used to settling down in the foreign country.

2. have a gift for: natural talent or ability

eg. He has a gift for music.

Tom has a gift for making friends.

The girl has a gift for learning English.

3. figure out : work out or understand

eg. She figured out the problem at last.

The boss asked me to figure out the cost of the plan.

I can't figure him out.

4. as far as

a) to the extent that; as much as

eg. As far as I know, the book is popular with students.

As far as I know, he is likely to come.

I'll help you as far as I can.

b) the same distance as

eg. They walked as far as the lake.

The children walked as far as the seaside.

I’ll walk as far as the post office.

5. rather than : in preference to sb or sth; instead

eg. I think I will have a cold drink rather than coffee.

Rather than getting money in such a dishonest way, Tom would beg in the street.


I’d call her hair chestnut rather than brown

I prefer to go in summer rather than in winter.


Exercise 1 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子.

1. China is in Asia, one of the seven c__________ on the earth.

2. The house was s_________ by high walls.

3. In those days, mothers usually t________ the babies by telling stories of wolf or ghosts.

4. China’s former Prime M_________, Zhu Rongji stressed the need for equality and fairness in the world at the Earth Summit.

5. We must make sure that everyone is able to take part in the new world we c_______ to develop the world successfully.

6. They couldn’t wait to stop to admire the ________ (风暴) on arriving the park.

7. I’m __________ (极其,非常)sorry for the delay.

8. We must reach the _________ (港口) before sunset in case of the bad weather.

9. He is going to __________ (竞赛,比赛) against his old rival in the second round.

10. Not having seen each other for ages, they found it difficult to make ___________ (交谈).

1. He grows flowers ____________ vegetables, so he can save much money to buy from the market.

2. They started _________, hoping to arrive before 10:00 am.

3. Offers of help __________ the homeless people because of the tsunami.

4. ____________ I can see that is impossible.

5. I can’t ___________ how much the holiday will cost before it ends.

6. My house is the same as hers ____________.

7. She may be slow, but ___________ she’s reliable (可靠的).

8. I’ve got changed, so I ______________ start work at any time.

9. Take trouble to _____________ your examination despite you are good at it or not.

10. Although he is a man, he _________ too much time on clothes.


Exercise 1:

1. continents 2. surrounded 3. terrified 4. Minister 5.create

6. scenery 7. extremely 8. harbor 9. compete 10. conversation Exercise 2:

1. as well as 2. at dawn 3. flowed into 4. As/ So far as 5. figure out

6. in size 7. at least 8. am ready to 9. do well in 10. spends






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