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解析 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“which she buys mostly online”可知答案为B项。size XXXXXL不一定就是最大的号,排除D项。A、C两项文中并未提及。

7.Which statement is TRUE according to the text?

A.Guinness World Records has received Donna’s claim.

B.Donna Simpson doesn’t like media coverage at all.

C.The heaviest living woman weighs 1,800 pounds.

D.Donna Simpson and Philippe have married recently.

答案 A

解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“A Guinness World Records spokeswoman said Donna Simpson has submitted a claim for the title of world’s heaviest woman to give birth,a claim that is being reviewed.”可知Guinness World Records已经收到申请。根据第二段中的“she welcomed media coverage”排除B项;根据第三段最后一句排除C项;根据最后一段中的“they plan to marry in Hawaii this year”排除D项。

8.What is Philippe’s attitude to Donna’s campaign?

A.Indifferent. B.Doubtful.

C.Critical. D.Supportive.

答案 D

解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“he not only finds Donna attractive but is also one of Donna Simpson’s biggest fan in her quest to expand her waist”可知,Philippe的态度是支持的,故选D。indifferent冷淡的;doubtful怀疑的;critical批评的。


A few weeks ago I was at the corner shop,and there stood an old lady in front of me in line.She seemed very 9 when the cashier asked her to pay 38.She had about 5 in her wallet,and she began to 10 .The cashier became very 11 ,telling her that she couldn’t buy these 12 because she didn’t have enough money.So I told the cashier not to 13 it,and that I would 14 the difference.The cashier gave me a funny look, 15 I really felt for this woman.

Anyway,I paid for my groceries and 16 the store.When I got outside,I saw the lady standing there.I 17 her what was wrong.She said that she couldn’t remember where she lived,and she began to cry again.I said some names of the 18 around the area but she had no clue.Just then,a car 19 and a woman jumped out of the car.It was this lady’s daughter.I 20 that her mother couldn’t find her way home.The daughter told me that she had Alzheimer’s disease(老年痴呆症) and that she had been 21 off a lot lately.Then the daughter 22 that her mother had three bags of groceries and 23 where she got the money to pay for them.I was not 24 if I should tell her that I paid for them,but I did.

The daughter wanted to pay me back,but I 25 .After thanking me 26 ,the daughter said goodbye to me.

I felt so 27 that day because making others feel good makes me feel good.I know that if this 28 happened again,I would do the same thing.

9.A.excited B.puzzled

C.disappointed D.convinced

答案 B

解析 由下文可知这位老人患有老年痴呆症,所以当收银员让她付款时她看上去很“困惑”。puzzled困惑的,符合语境。

10.A.cry B.bargain

C.argue D.withdraw

答案 A

解析 收银员让她付38美元,可是她只有大约5美元,因此她开始“哭泣(cry)”。第二段第四句中的“...and she began to cry again.”也是答案提示。bargain讨价还价;argue争论;withdraw提取(存款),拿出,均不符合语境。

11.A.excited B.uncomfortable

C.impatient D.angry

答案 C

解析 面对这样一位老人,收银员变得非常不耐烦。impatient不耐烦的,符合语境。

12.A.diets B.clothes

C.details D.items

答案 D

解析 收银员告诉老人说因为她的钱不够,因此她不能买这些物品。item一件商品(或物品),符合语境。

13.A.look for B.worry about

C.insist on D.argue about

答案 B

解析 从下文可知,“我”帮老人付了剩余的钱,因此这里应为“我告诉收银员不要担心”。look for寻找;worry about担心;insist on坚持;argue about关于……争吵。由语境可知选B。

14.A.make B.tell

C.pay D.take

答案 C

解析 “我”告诉收银员不必担心,“我”会支付差额的。pay the difference支付差额。

15.A.so B.and

C.therefore D.but

答案 D

解析 收银员用奇怪的表情看着“我”,但是“我”真的很同情这位老人。feel for意为“同情(某人)”。上下文为转折关系,故选but。

16.A.entered B.searched

C.left D.closed

答案 C

解析 根据第二段第二句“When I got outside...”可知,“我”付了款就离开了商店。由语境可知选C。

17.A.asked B.analyzed

C.shouted D.informed

答案 A

解析 “我”在商店外看到这位老人站在那里,于是“我”问她怎么了。由语境可知选A。

18.A.markets B.streets

C.hospitals D.buildings

答案 B

解析 这位老人想不起来自己住在哪儿了,于是“我”说了几条附近的街道的名字。由语境可知选B。

19.A.drove out B.pulled down

C.drove off D.pulled up

答案 D

解析 由空后的“a woman jumped out of the car”可知,一辆小汽车停下了。pull up(使)车停下,符合语境。

20.A.responded B.explained

C.described D.recommended

答案 B

解析 看到老人的女儿来了,“我”解释说她妈妈找不到回家的路了。explain解释,说明,符合语境。

21.A.falling B.turning

C.wandering D.walking

答案 C

解析 老人的女儿说老人有老年痴呆症,最近老是到处乱走。wander off(从应该逗留的地方)离开,符合语境。

22.A.watched B.noticed

C.collected D.realized

答案 B

解析 这时老人的女儿注意到了她妈妈的三袋食品杂货。notice注意到,符合语境。

23.A.confused B.wondered

C.ordered D.suggested

答案 B

解析 (老人的女儿)想知道她是从哪里弄到钱买的。wonder想知道,符合语境。

24.A.doubtful B.urgent

C.jealous D.sure

答案 D

解析 “我”不确定是否应该告诉她是“我”付的款。结合语境可知这里应用sure。

25.A.refused B.neglected

C.denied D.ignored

答案 A

解析 由but可知,前后为转折关系,因此可推知老人的女儿想要还“我”钱,但“我”拒绝了,故选A。

26.A.naturally B.immediately

C.gratefully D.energetically

答案 C

解析 naturally当然,自然地;immediately立即;gratefully感激地;energetically积极地。结合语境可知选C。

27.A.anxious B.pleased

C.interested D.relaxed

答案 B

解析 那天“我”感觉很高兴,因为让别人高兴会让自己也高兴。结合语境可知选B。

28.A.situation B.condition

C.tradition D.experience

答案 A

解析 “我”知道如果这种情况再次出现的话,“我”还会这样做的。situation情况,状况,符合语境。condition条件,状态;tradition传统;experience经验。







提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用It was said that...,prevent...from...等结构。

连句成篇 (将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)

It was said that dinosaurs were once the masters of the earth.They existed on the earth for a long time.They gave birth to young babies and the warm climate helped them multiply quickly.Unfortunately,they couldn’t prevent themselves from disappearing and then it was the turn of the humans to control the earth.



高二英语必修三核心高频语言知识梳理:unit 4

高二年级英语必修三知识点:Unit 4


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