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高二英语必修三核心高频语言知识梳理:unit 4



exist as 作为...而存在, 以...形态存在 exist in 存在于...中 exist on 靠...生活[生存]

用exist相关短语的适当形式填空 ①This plant            only            Australia. ②Can you                     such a low salary? ③I doubt the                       of the UFO.     答案:①exists; in②exist on③existence


9. in time意为“及时”时相当于early enough, soon enough;意为“终于,早晚”时相当于sooner or later。 We got to the station just in time to catch the bus. =We got to the station just in time for the bus.我们到达车站时,刚好赶上了那班汽车。 The doctor came in time to save her life. 医生及时赶来救了她的命。 You?ll succeed in time if you keep on working hard.假若坚持努力下去,你迟早会成功的。

拓展 be in time for sth./be in time to do sth. 对于某事是及时的/及时做某事 ahead of time提前;提早 all the time一直;始终 at one time曾经;一度 at a time一次 at times 有时 at the same time同时;然而;可是 from time to time不时;偶尔 in no time立刻;马上 take one?s time不急,慢慢来 time and time again一次又一次;一再

单项填空 —I was disappointed in         time when I didn’t pass the examinations. —Don’t be so discouraged. You’ll be successful in              time.             A./; /            B. a; a              C./; a                  D. a; /         解析:选D。



第一个空考查的是when 引导的定语从句,表示在某段时间里,故应用in a time。而第二个空表示“迟早”,故用in time。

10. prevent ...from   阻止;制止

The heavy rain prevented us from going there.这场大雨使我们没能到那里去。


prevent, stop, keep与protect四者的常见结构为:

prevent ...(from) doing sth.;

stop ...(from) doing sth.;

keep ...from doing sth.;

均表示“阻止……做某事”。          上述三个结构中,在主动语态中stop 与prevent后可省去from,但在被动语态中不可省略;

而keep ...from ...中的from在任何情况下都不能省略。

另外, protect ...from ...表示“保护……不受……侵袭;阻挡;防御”。from后接能带来伤害或损害的事物。

This plan will be kept from being carried out.这个计划将被阻止实施。

Nothing can prevented you  from winning as long as you persevere in your studies and never give your dream .

单项填空 Some policemen should be sent to          them         the trees. (原创) A. prevent; to cut down       B. stop; cutting down C. keep;       to cut down       D. keep; cutting down 解析:选B。句意为:应该派一些警察去阻止他们砍伐树木。keep/prevent/stop ... from doing sth.阻止……做某事,其中keep ...from doing sth. 中的from不可省略。故选B。

11. break out   突发;爆发(无被动语态) Trouble may break out at any moment.灾难在任何时候都可能突然发生。 When did the war break out? 战争什么时候爆发的? It was at midnight that a fire broke out.在午夜时分发生了一起大火。

拓展 break away from 脱离(政党等);打破(陈规等) break down  出故障;(计划等)失败;(身体、精神等)垮掉 break in  破门而入,闯入;打断(话语)等 break into 破门而入;突然……起来 break off  折断;突然中止;断绝;结束 break through 突破 break up 敲碎;放假;散会


break new ground   更好成绩:在以前取得的成绩上更进一步: They  broke new ground in the field of computers. 他们在计算机领域取得新进展。 break (one's) neck  竭尽全力:尽最大可能的努力

辨析 come about/happen/take place/break out/occur

1)  come about 发生,相当于happen, take place。后面不可以接宾语,也不可以使用被动语态。     happen 强调偶然发生。不可以使用被动语态     take place 指按计划、安排发生;举行.不可以使用被动语态 2) break out 多用于指战争、火灾、疾病、疫情的突然爆发。不可以使用被动语态

occur 常用于句式: sth. occurs to sb. 某事发生在某人身上。

happen 常用于句式:

It happened that偶然..., 碰巧... happen upon sb. in the street在街上偶遇某人


①A terrible tsunami               in the southeastern countries of Asia at Christmas, 2004. ②When do you                  for Christmas? ③Negotiations between the two sides have                    . ④His house was                      last week.


①broke out②break up③broken down④broken into

12. block out   挡住(光线) That wall blocks out all the light.那堵墙把光线都遮住了。

拓展 burst out 大声喊叫;突然……起来 go out 外出;过时;熄(灯) put out 关(灯);扑灭;生产 come out 出现,显露;出版;结果是 help out 帮助解决难题(或摆脱困境) look out留神;注意 watch out 注意;提防;向外看 find out 找出,查明,发现 pick out挑出;辨认出,分辨出 speak out 大声地说;大胆地说 think out仔细思考(某事);想出(主意等)  hang out 挂出;闲逛 knock out (拳)击中,击倒,打昏 sell out 售完(某种货物),脱销 turn out 结果证明是 run out (of) 用完,耗尽 check out 结账离去,办妥手续离去 give out 分发(试卷等);发出(光、热等);用尽;耗完;筋疲力尽


①At the end of the race his legs         and he collapsed on the ground. ②It' s easy to        him       in a crowd because he is very tall. ③His new book will         next month. ④We thought it was going to rain; it        to be a fine day. ⑤We        of/from our hotel at 5 a.m. to catch a 7 a.m. flight.

答案:①gave out   ②pick; out  ③come out             ④turned out  ⑤checked out

13.approach     v.靠近;对付;方式;方法;道路 approach to...(做某事的)方法/途径;接近,靠近 at the approach of 在快到……的时候 make an approach to向……提出建议或要求 ...be approaching……快到了

approach sb. on/aboutsth.向某人接洽[商量、交涉]

make approaches to sb.设法接近某人, 想博得某人的好感

approach a problem from different angles由不同的角度研究一个问题 approach sb. with a suggestion向某人提出建议 He approached the new job with enthusiasm.他满怀热情地去干新的工作。

(1)As I was about to leave,a man who had been listening approached  me and asked me to wait outside for a while.(2011•安徽) 就在我正要离开时,一个一直在倾听(我说话)的人靠近我,并告诉我在外面等一会儿。 (2)The time for graduation                 .毕业的日子即将来临。 (3)The approach                          was a narrow path.通往这所房子的路是一条狭窄的小径。

(2)is approaching (3)to the house

思考 表达“(做)……的方法”的搭配有:

the approach to (doing) sth.,

the way to do/of doing...,

the means of (doing) sth.,

the method of (doing) sth.。                                                                                                                                           ?写作句组——满分作文之佳句 a.We make good use of it only when we have an appropriate approach to the Internet. b.On seeing him approach, I immediately turned my face to a shop.

14.represent   v.代表; to be a sign or symbol of sth.表示;象征;描绘

represent sb./sth. as/to be...宣称某人为……;把某事叙述为…… represent sth. to sb.向某人说明/传达某事 representative adj.典型的,有代表性的;n.代表

be representative of(=be typical of)是……的代表,是……中典型的

stand for代表;象征 on behalf of sb.=on sb.’s behalf代表某人;为了某人;代替某人

(2)You should          your complaints          the management.你们应向管理阶层说明你们的不满。 (3)He is a people’s         . 他是一位人民代表。

2.(2)represent;to (3)representative


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