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高二英语必修三期中必备知识点:Unit 1




Unit 1 Festivals around the world

1. award sb. for… 某人因……而得奖

= sb. be awarded for…The school awarded Mary a prize for her good work. 学校因玛丽出色的工作而给她颁奖。

2. admire sb. for sth. 因为某事儿钦佩(或羡慕)某人Everybody admires him for his fine sense of humor. 人人都钦佩他那绝妙的幽默感。

3. be meant to do sth. 被认为应做某事

(尤指根据职责或命令、吩咐等做某事)We are meant to write our names at the top of the paper. 我们应该把名字写在试卷的上方。

4. take place 发生

(无被动形式,常指经过安排的事情)The interview is well planned and it is to take place on time. 采访计划周密,会按时进行的。

5. in memory of… 为了纪念……

We sang the song in memory of the dead. 我们唱歌以纪念故去的人们。

6. dress up 穿上盛装;乔装打扮

She likes to dress up for a party. 她喜欢打扮得漂漂亮亮的去参加晚会。



dressed in… 穿着……的衣服

7. The bride was dressed in white. 新娘穿一身白色的礼服。


look forward to +


doing sth.


We look forward to the return of spring. 我们期待着春天的到来。

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. 我在盼望你的尽快来信。

9. have fun with sb. 与某人一起嬉戏,找乐子

Having nothing to do, they had fun with the cat. 他们无事可干,耍猫取乐。

10. have fun 玩得开心

The kids are having fun. 孩子们正玩得开心呢。

11. in/ for fun 开玩笑地,非认真地

He is learning French for/ in fun. 他学法语只是好玩。

12. make a fool of oneself 出丑,出洋相

He’s always afraid of making a fool of himself. 他总是怕出洋相。

13. make a fool of sb. 愚弄某人Are you trying to make a fool of me? 你想愚弄我吗?

14. ask permission of sb. 请求某人的许可

Ask permission of your father. 请求你父亲的允许吧。

15. without permission 未经许可

We can’t take photos here without permission. 未经许可,我们不能在此照相。

as if/ though +

were/ did…(与现在相反)

would do…(与过去相反)

had done…(与将来相反)






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