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对于高中英语学习注意重在积累,以下是威廉希尔app 整理的Unit6重点词组知识点,请大家认真阅读并牢记。

1. a weather forecast 天气预报 make forecast about 对…作出预测

2. catch / get a glimpse of = catch a brief sight of 瞥见

3. ensure = make sure of 保证

4. keep / stay / get in touch with = keep in communication with 与…保持联系 be in touch with sb 与…保持联系be out of touch with sb = lose touch with sb 与…失去联系

5. be crowded with 挤满 crowd into 涌入

6. It remains to be proved 有待证明

7. pay / give attention to attract / draw / invite one's attention to 吸引某人注意某物 fix one's attention on = focus on 注意力集中在… devote one's attention to …专心于… With a better understanding of …对….有更好的理解

8. regular consumers 老主顾

9. deal with = do with 处理

10. cure sb of the disease 治疗某人的疾病 bring about a cure 使…痊愈 There is still no cure for the common cold

11. keep sb at a distance 对…保持疏远 in the distance 在远处

12. be well-prepared for = be ready for 为…做好准备

13. in store 就要到来 / 准备着 / 储藏着

14. old-fashioned 老式的 / 过时的 come into fashion 开始流行 go out of fashion 不在流行 follow the fashion 赶时髦

15. come true = come into reality 成为现实 in reality = in fact = as a matter of fact  16. What happened to sb = What became of sb 某人发生了。。。。 Something occurred to sb 某人突然想起某事

17. in future = from now on 从今以后 in the future 在未来

18. What is the weather like = How is the weather天气怎么样

19. drive at full / top speed 以全速开车 put on speed 加速 at a price of 以…的价格 at a high speed高速

20. in this way 采取这种方法 in the way 挡道 in a way 从某种意义上说 by the way 顺便提一下 on the / one's way 在途中 a way of doing sth = a way to do sth做某事的方法

21. do business with sb 与…做生意 on business 出差 in business 做生意 get down to business 言归正传 It's none of your business = Mind your own business 不关你事

22. make a search for = be in search of 寻找…

23. combine… With把。。。和。。。结合 What fun it is to do sth for / in fun 开玩笑地 make fun of = laugh at取笑

24. bring about = lead to = cause = result in = contribute to 导致

25. be different from = differ from与……有区别 make a difference 与众不同 / 起作用 make no difference 没关系 be similar to 类似于 be the same as 与…一样

26. It's certain that …

27. appreciate the danger 意识到… appreciate one's help 感激.. appreciate one's friendship 重视…   appreciate works of art 欣赏..

28. instead of = rather than = in place of 而不是

29. keep / bear sb company 陪伴某人 in the company of 在…的陪同下

30. It looks like a good time for a change. 好像  feel like doing = would like to do 想要

31. after all 毕竟 above all 最重要的是 in all = in total = altogether

32. be concerned about / over / for 关心 be concerned with / in 与…有关 show / express concern about对。。。。。。表示关心

Unit6重点词组知识点的全部内容就是这些,威廉希尔app 希望对大家提高成绩有帮助。





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