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高中生的英语学习重在积累,以下是威廉希尔app 整理的Unit5重点词组知识点,请大家认真阅读并牢记。

1. consist of = be made up of = include 由。。。。。。组成

2. make a mistake do sth 做。。。犯错误by mistake 错做某事 mistake A for B把A错成是B

3. narrow escape 九死一生 narrowed-minded 气量狭小的

4. make out 辨认 / 理解 make up for 弥补 make use of 利用make up 捏造 / 化妆 make up one's mind to do sth = be determined to do sth 下决心做。。。。make / earn a living 谋生 make / earn money挣钱 make friends with和。。。。。做朋友

5. make the most of = make the best of = make full / good use of 充分利用

6. hold together 连在一起/团结一致 hold up 耽搁 hold with the idea 赞同观点 hold out a promise 作出hold to / keep to one's decision 坚持 hold on / hang on 等一下keep back / hold back 阻止catch hold of 抓住 hold off = keep off(远离)= put off (推迟)

7. Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰

8. The English Channel 英吉利海峡 the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋

9. in general = generally = as a rule一般地 / 大体上 on the whole 总的来说 mostly 通常

10. under the influence of 受…..的影响 have a good / bad influence on 对….有好坏的影响be influenced by 受….的影响

11. namely = that is (to say) 也就是说 call sb name 辱骂某人 in the name of 以….的名义

12. with the approach of 随着….的临近

13. the BBC World Service

14. be famous / well-known as 作为….而出名 be famous / well-known for 因……而出名be known to sb 为…….所熟知

15. agree to a plan / a suggestion / an agreement                 come to / arrive at / make / reach an agreement 达成协议 be in agreement on / upon / with / about 与….意见一致

16. have advantage over 胜过 / 优于 take advantage of 利用

17. stand for 代表

18. lie on 坐落在(不接壤)lie in 坐落在(范围之内)lie to坐落在(接壤)lie off the coast 远离海岸线 lie on the coast 在海岸线上

19. Our class is divided into two groups. 被分成 England is separated from France by the Channel 被分离

21. settle in 定居 settle down 安定下来

22. form the basis for 为…..打下基础 on the basis of 以….为基础 at the base 在底部 be based on 以 …为根据

23. end up with = end up in 以…而告终

24. as well as = and as far as 远至 as long as 长达 as many as 多达 as far as I know = so far as I know 据我所知as far as I can = as much as I can = as much as possible 尽我所能 do all / everything one can to do sth = do what one can (do) to do sth = try / do one's best to do sth = try every / all means to do sth = make every effort to do sth = spare no effort to do sth 竭尽某人所能

26. have a clear idea of 对….有清晰的看法 have an idea of 有….的想法 have no idea of对。。。。。。没想法

27. go on diet = be on a diet 节食 have a light diet 饮食清淡

28. do a research on = make a research into 对….进行研究 raise money 筹钱 without doubt 毫无疑问

29. make … to one's own measure 按照…的尺寸做… take measures to do sth 采取措施做….It's no wonder that ….难怪 It's no use doing做。。。。。没用 There is no need to do 没必要做…There is no possibility to do 没有可能做… There is no doubt that ..做。。。。毫无疑问 I doubt if / whether …我怀疑。。。I don't doubt that我不怀疑。。。

30. join in the discussion 参加讨论 join sb in doing the experiment 与某人做实验 join sb for dinner

31. feed sb with sth = feed sth to sb 用….喂某人 feed on = live on 以….为食 32. spread out 铺开 / 展开 spread to 传播到

Unit5重点词组知识点的全部内容就是这些,威廉希尔app 希望对大家提高成绩有帮助。





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