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英语的学习重在积累,以下是威廉希尔app 整理的Unit4重点词组知识点,请大家认真阅读并牢记。

1. intend (sb.) something打算某事/打算给某人某事, intend to do/doing something打算做…, intend sb. to do something想要某人做某事, It is intended that从句,have the intention to do/of doing something有做某事的目的  

2. put together 把…. 结合成一体 / 装配

3. all sorts of = all kinds of 各种各样的 sort out 整理

4. play with 玩耍 / 游戏

5. call up 召唤 / 使人想起 / 打电话 call back 回想起 call forth 鼓起 call off 取消 call for 要求 / 提倡 call in 召集 call on 拜访

6. stand out 突出 belong to 属于 a most interesting book (most = very非常)

7. absence of mind 心不在焉 in the absence of = in one's absence ….不在时 / 背地里

8. be introduced into 被传入

9. light up 照亮 / 使放光彩

10. come / bring into being 出现 / 形成 come into force 实施 come into effect 生效 for the time being目前,暂时

11. send for 使某人到来 send up 发射 send out an invitation 发出 send off = see off 送行

12. apart from 除了 fall apart = fall into pieces 摔成碎片 tell apart 分辨 set apart 拨出

13. contribute to 为…做贡献 / 有助于… make a contribution to 为…作出贡献

14. be on broad 在船 / 飞机上 get / go on board 上船 / 飞机

15. get through 通过

16. be interested in 对。。。。。感兴趣be of interest = be interesting 。。。。是有趣的take / have / show / feel an interest in.. 对… 感兴趣

17. as follows 如下 in the following years = in the years that followed在随后的几年里 follow the example of 效仿 follow one's advice 听从某人的建议 follow the medicine 服药

18. much / a little / a lot / by far / far / still / rather / any + 比较级

19. fall into 进入 fall into a deep sleep 进入酣睡 fall into poverty 陷入贫困 fall into a habit of 养成fall into conversation with sb 与… 谈起来

20. start with = begin with 以…开始 to start with 首先

21. be well worth doing = be well worthy of being done / to be done 非常值得做… 22. recommend sb. sth./recommend sth to sb. 向某人推荐某物/人recommend sb as 推荐某人为..recommend doing 建议做… recommend sb to do 建议某人做… recommend + that sb (should) do sth. 建议某人做某事

Unit4重点词组知识点的全部内容就是这些,威廉希尔app 希望对大家提高成绩有帮助。





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