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北师大版高二英语必修5Unit13 People重点词汇



高二英语的重要工作的巩固基础,以下是高二英语必修5Unit13 People重点词汇,请大家参考。


· 原文再现

You are a gifted student who always gets As in exams, but you have just found out you got a C in a    recent test.

你是一个有天赋的学生,总是在考试中得A, 但是在近期的一次考试中发现得了C。 · 基本用法

gifted  adj. 有天赋的,有天资的; 有才华的   Martin Gatt is a gifted pianist.   马丁盖特是个有才华的钢琴家。 · 知识拓展   相关单词

gift  n.  礼物;天赋;赠品

have a gift /talent for...有...的天赋   He has a gift for foreign languages.   他有外语天才。

Mother has a gift for making guests feel at home.   母亲有使客人觉得无拘无束的才能。   This child has a gift for painting.   这个小孩子有绘画方面的天赋。   相关短语

be gifted in 在...方面有天赋   be gifted with  天生......   He was gifted with a good voice.   他天生一个好嗓子。

He was gifted in music.   他在音乐上有天才。

draw up

· 原文再现

Draw up an agenda and discuss it with the group.   起草一个议事议程并与小组一起讨论。 · 基本用法

draw up  起草,草拟;制定;停下来   A taxi drew up in front of the house.   一辆出租汽车在房子前面停了下来。   He drew up a brief for his speech.   他起草了一份讲话的摘要。

The police drew up a blacklist of wanted terrorists.   警方拟就一份通缉恐怖分子的黑名单。


· 原文再现

Supported by his academic research, Professor Salovey suggests that when predicting someone's future

success, their character, as measured by EQ tests, might actually matter more than their IQ.

萨洛维教授在他学术研究的基础上提出, 在预测一个人未来的成功时, 他们的性格---通过情商测验来

衡量----也许比其智商更为重要。 · 基本用法

predict  vt. 预言,预测

You can never predict what would happen next.   谁也无法预料接着会发生什么事。

It is difficult to predict his reaction because he is so moody.   他如此喜怒无常,所以很难预知其反应如何。 · 知识拓展   相关句型/结构

predict that...  预测....

be predicted to do sth.  被预测做某事

It is ridiculous to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.   预言明天太阳将不升起是荒唐可笑的。   Car usage is predicted to increase.   汽车的使用率预计会增长。

词义辨析:forecast/foretell/predict/foresee   这些动词均含“预言,预示,预告”之意。






· 原文再现

Supported by his academic research, Professor Salovey suggests that when predicting someone's future

success, their character, as measured by EQ tests, might actually matter more than their IQ.

萨洛维教授在他学术研究的基础上提出, 在预测一个人未来的成功时, 他们的性格---通过情商测验来

衡量----也许比其智商更为重要。 · 基本用法

academic adj. 学术的;理论的;学院的   The new academic year is coming.   新学年就要来了。

Her academic achievements shamed her brothers.   她的学术成就使她的兄弟们相形见绌。

She pushed her son to pursue an academic career.


He has no interest in academic questions.   他对纯理论问题毫无兴趣。 · 知识拓展--相关短语   academic thesis 学术论文   academic freedom 学术自由


· 原文再现

For example, have you ever wondered why some of the smartest students in your class, who you think

deserve good grades, sometimes end up failing exams?

例如,你是否有过这样的困惑:为什么班里有些你认为应该得到好分数的最聪明的学生有时却考试不及格? · 基本用法

deserve  vt. 应得,值得;应受   He did not deserve such fortune.    他不配得到这种好运气。

I'm sure I don't deserve so much praise.   我肯定自己不值得这么多赞扬。 · 知识拓展--相关短语

deserve sth.    应受,应得.....   deserve to do sth. 值得做......

deserve doing sth.(主动表被动)=deserve to be done  值得被做....   You've been working all morning---you deserve a rest.   你已经干了一个上午了,该休息一下了。

Steven deserved to be punished for his behavior.=Steven deserved punishing for his behavior.    史蒂文的表现应该受到惩罚。

He certainly deserved to be sent to prison.   他的确应该被送去坐监牢。

They deserved to be well treated.



· 原文再现

Perhaps their failure is because of their low EQ.   他们的失败也许是因为他们的情商低。 · 基本用法

failure  n. 失败; 失败者;破产;故障   He felt miserable about his failure.   他对自己的失败感到悲哀。

It was evident that the policy was a failure.   显然这项政策是失败的。

The new restaurant was a failure and soon closed.   那家新饭店经营无方,不久便关了门。

· 知识拓展   相关单词

fail   v 失败;不及格;破产;缺乏;衰退;使失望   He failed many times, but he did not lose heart.   他失败了许多次,但他并没有失去信心。

The brake failed and the car ran into a lamp-post.   刹车失灵了,汽车撞在灯柱上了。   Is your eyesight failing recently?   你近来视力有所变差吗?      相关用法

failure 通常作不可数名词,但在具体表示“失败的人或事、失败的次数”时,为可数名词。类似的词还

success, comfort, relief 等。 如:

Their marriage was a failure and they both wanted to be free of it.   他们的婚姻是个失败,他们两个都想得到解脱。

以上是高二英语必修5Unit13 People重点词汇的全部内容,威廉希尔app 希望同学们可以认真掌握,才能取得更好的成绩。


人教版高二英语必修5Unit2 The United Kingdom语法讲解 

人教版高二英语必修5Unit2 The United Kingdom重点句型 


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