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人教版高二必修5英语Unit1 Great Scientists词语用法讲解



成功不是将来才有的,而是从决定去做的那一刻起,持续累积而成。小编给大家准备了必修5英语Unit1 Great Scientists词语用法讲解,欢迎参考!

1.put sb forward提出,推荐,提名

put away收好 put on上演 put out熄灭

put down 写下,记下Put it down to my account, please.请记在我的帐上。

put down as 看作 I’d put him down as an uneducated man.我把他看作没受过教育的人。

put in 打断,插嘴 “Don’t forget us,” she put in.“别忘了我们,”她插嘴道。

put off 延期,推迟 Don’t put off until tomorrow what can be done today.

put sth forward 将某事提前,拨快(时钟指针)The boy putthe alarm clock an hourforward.

In 1860, a better plan was put forward by Tom.1860年,Tom提出了一个更好的计划。

Shall we put Mr William forward as the candidate for chairman of the committee?


2. attend 出席,参加attendant名词 侍者,服务员

attend a meeting /wedding 参加会议/婚礼

attend school 去上学

attend to 处理;照顾; 专心于

eg: ① I have some important things to attend to. 我有些重要事须处理。

② If you go out, I’ll attend to the baby. 你出去的话,我会照顾孩子的。

③ She didn’t attend to what I was saying. 她没有专心听我刚才说的话。

④Will you attend the meeting tomorrow?

3. expose vt. 显露;暴露;揭露

expose … to …使?暴露于? He exposed his skin to the sun. be exposed to暴露于 Being

exposed tothesunlightfortoomuchtime will do harmto yourskin.

She exposed a set of perfect white teeth when she smiled.

4.. cure n.﹠vt.治愈;痊愈 n.

“ cure sb of ”There is still no cure for the common cold.

Can you cure me of my cold?

When I left hospital I was completely cured.

辨析.cure/treat/heal/recover cure 强调治愈,treat强调治疗的过程,heal治愈(外)伤口,不

用于治疗感冒等疾病,recover:“痊愈,复原”,常与from连用 This medicine will cure soon.They treated him with a new drug but it didn’t work.他们用一种新


The wound on my arm has healed. He’s now fully recovered from his bad cold.

5. absorb vt. 吸引;吸收;使专心

be absorbed in = absorb oneself in /be lost in ;

lose oneself in= concentrate one’s attention/ mind on=focus one’s mind/ attention on ;全神贯注于

be absorbed into/by 为?所吸收

The old man was absorbed in the book.

The medicine is quickly absorbed by/into the body.

Black clothing absorbs light.

6. link… to /with… 将……和……连接或联系起来(常用被动语态表示状态)

join… to把……和……连接起来Please join this pole to that one.

connect… with/to 将……和……连接a link between A and B A与B之间的联系a link with …

的联系be linked with 和…联系link up 把…连接起来

The island links to the mainland to/with a new bridge.Heart disease can be linked to smoking.

7.apart from 除……之外

take…apart 将…拆开 tell…apart 分辨出 fall apart 坏了,零散

1. = besides 并未排除Besides/Apart from the cost ,it will take a lot of time.

2. = except/except for 真正意义上的排除在外Apart from his nose, he’s quite good-looking.

8. contribute… to… 把…贡献给…

contribute to? 有助于,导致?,向?投稿

make a contribution to 做出贡献

He personally contributed $4,000 to the earthquake fund. She contribute an article to our

magazine. Everyone should make a contribution to protecting the environment.

9.control n. [u]支配力, 管制, 控制 [c] (用复数) 控制器vt.支配, 控制, 克制, 抑制

beyond control 无法控制

lose control of 无法控制, 失去控制

out of control 不受控制

under control 受控制

The team is already beyond the captain’s control.那个队已经不受队长的控制了。He lost control

of his temper. 他发火了。

The fire got out of control. 火势超出了控制。

10.blame vt. 责怪;归咎于n. 责备;责任;过失

blame sb. for sth./doing sth. 责怪某人某事

blame sth. on sb. 把某事归咎到某人身上

be to blame (for sth.) 应承担责任 ,该受责备(用主动表被动)

I don't blame you for doing that blame.

The police blamed the accident on his careless driving.

He was to blame for the accident. So he was blamed for it.他应该为次事故受责. 因此他受到了


11. conclude vt. ﹠vi结束;推论出;议定,决定

conclude with/by doing sth.用……结束某事

We concluded the meeting with an English song .

conclude that -clause决定

The doctor concluded that his disease was cancer.

conclude sth. from sth.从……推断出

conclude to do sth.决定做某事

draw /reach/arrive at/come to a conclusion 得出结论make a conclusion 下结论

bring … to a conclusion 使结束;谈定买卖等come to the conclusion that …所得到的结论in

conclusion = to conclude 最后,总之

12. announce vt. 宣布,通告announcement n.宣布,通告announcer n. 广播员,解说员

辨析 announce ; declare


危险的来临等。declare 公开“宣布”,“宣称”,如战争,和平,戒严等。declare war upon 向…


the Declaration of Independence 独立宣言

13. sense n. 感觉器官; 觉察 vt. 觉得;意识到sensible adj. 明智的;合情合理的sensitive adj.


a sense of humor 幽默感common sense 常识make sense 讲得通,有意义,能被理解 make

no sense 没意义,没道理 make sense of 弄懂…的意思

There is no sense in doing sth. 作某事没道理

There is no sense in getting angry about it.


Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control.我们进行质量检验时,有缺陷的产品应


refuse 也表示“拒绝”,不仅可以用来拒绝别人的请求,还可以用于拒绝别人的邀请或帮


He refused the invitation from his teacher.他拒绝了老师的邀请。

He refused to believe what I said.他拒绝相信我说的话。

15.handle vt.用手拿起,处理handle an airplane/the machine/business/the traffic/the job/the


16.suspect vt. 怀疑;n.嫌疑犯;adj.不可靠的

suspect sb.of ....认为某人有……的嫌疑He is suspected of murder.

suspect sb.to be 怀疑某人是……I suspected him to be the spy.

suspected that... 表示“怀疑其有”;doubt that...“无把握,不相信”,怀疑其无。

I doubt that he has stolen my watch.我不相信他偷了我的手表。I suspect that he has stolen my


17.defeat v.打/击败 I can defeat you at swimming.



conquer“征服,战胜”,指获得对人,物或感情的控制如conquer nature(征服自然);

overcome“战胜,克服”overcome difficulties

辨析 defeat/beat/win

defeat,beat都表示在战斗或竞赛中战胜,打败对手,后接竞争对手,如beat the team /competitor win 赢得,它的宾语通常是比赛,奖品。win a race/prize/medal/scholarship

18.addition n. 加;加法additional adj. 附加的,另外的

in addition = besides 另外,加之

in addition to = as well as = besides 除…之外(还有)

必修5英语Unit1 Great Scientists词语用法讲解的所有内容就是这些,希望对大家成绩提高有帮助。


人教版高二上册英语Unit 1情态动词用法详解 

人教版高二上册英语Unit 1语法点情态动词 


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