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1.She was still more determined after the ______(讨论).

2.Where there is suffering, there is ________(义务).

3.That man has a strong ________(信仰)in God.

4.The ________(生产)of their factory goes steadily upward.

5.The doctors decided to ________(动手术)on her immediately.

6.Her father is a health care ________(咨询师).

7.I think salary is closely related to the ________(责任)of the job.

8.People complained that their money was ________ out(像流水一样花掉).

9.________(原始的)material is what we are in need of.

10.It's wrong to sacrifice quality to ________(数量).


1.The question of the origin of the universe is still hotly ________ by scientists.

A.considered      B.debated

C.reasoned D.talked about

2.On the opposite wall ________ one map ________ dozens of pictures.

A.hang;including B.are hung;together with

C.is hanged;with D.is hanging;as well as

3.(2012•长沙高二检测)I'm afraid we won't be able to go much farther,for the oil ________.

A.has run out B.is run out

C.was run out of D.is running out

4.There comes the time to________.Do feel free to say what you want to.

A.hold the floor B.sweep the floor

C.open the floor D.fix the floor

5.—You must arrive here on time tomorrow morning.

—________ I don't?

A.What if B.So what

C.How if D.Only if

6.It is reported that the United States uses ________ energy as the whole of Europe.

A.as twice B.twice much

C.twice much as D.twice as much

7.In the United States,there is always ________ flow of people to areas of ________ country where more jobs can be found.

A.a;the B.the;a

C.the;the D.a;a

8.—Our holiday cost a lot of money.

—Did it?Well,that doesn't matter ________ you enjoyed yourselves.

A.as long as B.unless

C.as soon as D.though

9.—I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.

—That's ________ I don't agree.You should have a more active life.

A.where B.how

C.when D.what

10.The naughty boy fell from the tree and broke his leg.Now he is having his leg ________.

A.operated B.operated on

C.to operate D.operating on

11.Jane won't join us for dinner tonight and ________.

A.neither won't Tom

B.Tom won't either

C.Tom will too

D.so will Tom

12.(2013•济南高二质检)If he ________ my advice,he wouldn't have lost his job.

A.followed B.should follow

C.had followed D.would follow

13.The snowstorm left,________ severe damage to many provinces in southern China.

A.caused B.had caused

C.to cause D.having caused

14.Teachers recommend parents ________ their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.

A.not allow B.do not allow

C.mustn't allow D.couldn't allow

15.—Are you used to your new job?

—Well,yes.It's not as good as I expected,________.

A.though B.as well

C.too D.either


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