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According to an English newspaper, scientists could begin cloning human embryos in Britain in 2001. It is understood that the government has already agreed to use Frankenstein's technology, believing the benefits are more important than ethical(伦理的) concerns. Researchers think it will be possible to grow brain tissue to cure the diseases that are likely to get worse as time passes like Alzheimer's, and produce “spare part” organs like hearts and kidneys for transplant(移植).

Ministers are aware that the change in the law will be as controversial as the law which legalized abortion (堕胎) more than 30 years ago. Some politicians reacted angrily, arguing that the government had already made up its mind without discussion. Church leaders and anti-abortion campaigners have long expressed their horror at the plans, arguing that even the earliest embryos are forms of human life. They believe that getting an embryo from cells is morally unacceptable. And it will also cause arguments about how far scientists should interfere with nature and lead to accusations that they are “playing God”.

The cloning of human embryos to provide spare parts is regarded by most experts to be the most important step forward in the 21st century medicine. Scientists say treatment of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's will be the first application of cloning. The ability to clone embryos was first achieved by scientists in Scotland in the late 1990s and now the ability to grow stem cells into tissues and organs is being developed by American researchers. Combining the two technologies will mean an end to long waits for organs from donors and problems caused by rejection (排异反应) of transplanted tissues by the body.

Ian Wilmut,the man who cloned Dolly the sheep, has warned that British experts will go to America, where such work is legal, if the government does not permit it.

1.The government has decided to allow scientists to clone human embryos because they think that ______.

A.Frankenstein's technology is advanced

B.its advantages are more important than its disadvantages

C.diseases like Alzheimer's are a serious problem in their country

D.they can make a lot of money from it

2.The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 2 refers to ______.

A.ministers B.scientists

C.church leaders D.anti-abortion campaigners

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Most experts think that the cloning of human embryos is beneficial.

B.Politicians were in favour of the government's decision.

C.It is legal for scientists to clone embryos in America now.

D.American researchers are developing the ability to grow stem cells into tissues and organs.

4.What's the best title for this passage?

A.Science of Cloning

B.Cloning and Abortion

C.Cloning Human Embryos

D.The Argument Between Politicians and Scientists



1.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段...believing the benefits are more important than ethical concerns可知答案为B。


2.解析:代词指代题。由该词所在的语境可以判断A、C、D三项均反对克隆人类胚胎,只有B项与“playing God”相符,此处they指的是前面提到的科学家。








Last week, I visited Beijing. I always looked forward to visitvisiting there. Therefore, I was so excitedlyexcited that I couldn't fall asleep on the night before I started. I got up early and packpacked for the journey. In my pack, I put ∧a camera, some clothes, a mobile phone and so on. It spenttook me 8 hours to go there by train. I visited some placeplaces of interest. They are very beautiful. I enjoyed myself. I felt tired andbut excited because I learned a lot of about the history of the city. As longsoon as I arrived home, I phoned my boyfriend and told herhim about my journey.






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