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如今,许多国际场合都使用英语做为沟通媒介。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇高二英语上册第三单元同步测试题,接下来大家一起来看看。


1.The rural environment was having a ________(积极的)effect on the children's health.

2.I asked him to leave at once, but he stayed there without ________(行动).

3.He walked past him without a ________(向后的)glance.

4.He is ________(热情的)about helping others.

5.The Earth is only one of the numerous planets in the________(宇宙).

6.The suggestion put ________ by Mr.Li sounded quite reasonable.

7.________ conclusion, he has done his best and it's unfair to scold him.

8.There is no doubt that Lu Xun was one of the greatest writers ________ his day.

9.Mr.Green was so absorbed ________ his work that he didn't notice a man slipped into his house.

10.There is no need to say that everyone should be strict ________himself and everyone should be strict ________ his work.

11.To be honest, I can't make sense ________ what he said just now.

12.Apart ________ their house in Guangzhou, they also have a house in Shenzhen.

13.________(surprise)and________(excite), Tony stood up and accepted the prize.

14.When ________(compare)different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the similarities.

15.Several new programmes ________ (add)to the concert seem more attractive.

16.The ________(excite)people shouted at the top of their voice, but no one knew why they stopped all the shouting and became________ (disappoint)all at once.

17.No matter how frequently ________(perform), the works of Beethoven still attract people all over the world.

18.The wild mountains ________ (cover)with deep snow looked charming.

19.Five people won the “China's Green Figure” award, a title ______(give)to ordinary people for their contributions to environmental protection.

20.______(blame)for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits.

21.The temple ________(build)almost 2,000 years ago needs repairing.


Yesterday my boss gave me a poem and asked me to help him (22)__________ its meaning.I read it over and over again.To be frank, (23)________, the poem (24)________ at all.That's to say, there was (25)________ reading such a nonsense.So I advised the boss to throw the poem into the dustbin.



We'll go to visit the bridge______________________________________________.


Why do you always___________________________________________________?

Do you sleep well these days?


I ________________________________________________________________________ the film I saw last night,

I had expected it to be better.


Everybody ________to hear the death of the famous film star.


The children ______________________________________________going to the zoo.


His wound _____________________________________________________ a new virus.


How I regretted the hours__________________________________________________!


I like wearing clothes____________________________________________________.


The books ________________________________________________________________.


He __________________________________________________about losing the money.


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