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1.When he was there,he______go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.

A.would B.should C.had better D.might

答案:A 从题意可知,“他过去下班后每天都去……”表示过去常常发生的动作,故用would。

2.Many teachers don’t want their students to______ doing too much homework.

A.keep busy B.be kept busy

C.keep busying D.be kept busying

答案:B keep的宾语是the students,它们之间存在被动关系,busy为形容词作补足语。事实上,该句是keep sb. busy doing sth.的被动结构。

3.Jack isn’t feeling______ well this morning because he had______ breakfast.

A.too much;too much B.much too;much too

C.much too;too much D.too much;much too

答案:C much too为副词词组,用来修饰形容词或副词,意思是“太……”;too much为形容词词组,用来修饰不可数名词,意思是“太多的”。根据句子意思应选C。

4.______ a reply,he decided to write again.

A.Not receiving B.Receiving not

C.Not having received D.Having not received

答案:C 本题考查分词的否定结构。 其表述形式为not doing sth.以及not having done sth.。此题中分词的动作发生在句子谓语动作之前,故应用完成时。

5.—Sorry,Joe,I didn’t mean to

—Don’t call me “Joe”.I’m Mr Parker to you,and______you forget it!

A.do B.didn’t C.did D.don’t

答案:D 在保留主语you的祈使句的否定句中,don’t要放在主语之前,并且要重读,句末常用感叹号。

6.The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see______the next year.

A.carry out B.carrying out

C.carried out D.to carry out

答案:C 此题考查两种分词及不定式作宾语补足语的区别。动词see 后的宾补形式有:see sb. do sth.;see sth. done和 see sb. doing sth.,plan 与carry 构成动宾关系,应使用see sth. done.。

7.You’d better,I think,______him a hand when necessary.

A.give B.to give

C.gave D.giving

答案:A 句中的I think 是插入语,分析句意时应忽略,整句结构为“You’d better do sth.”。

8.She looks forward every spring to______to the flower lined garden.

A.visit B.paying a visit

C.walk in D.walking in

答案:D 如果把every spring放到句末就很容易看出look forward to这一考查意图。paying a visit后需要跟介词to。

9.We are living in an age______many things are done on computer.

A.which B.that C.whose D.when

答案:D本题考查定语从句,age为先行词,在定语从句中,in the age作时间状语。所以,选择关系副词when。

10.I would love______to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

A.to go B.to have gone

C.going D.having gone

答案:B 从后半句“but I had to work extra hours to finish a report”可知,昨晚想去参加晚会但由于要加班没有去成。would love to have done sth.表示“本想去做而未做成”,would love to do 表示目前的意愿及想法。

11.On hearing the news,the young man rushed out,______ the dictionary______ on the desk and disappeared into the distance.

A.left;lain open B.left;lay open

C.leaving;lie opened D.leaving;lying open

答案:D 现在分词短语leaving...在句中作伴随状语,表示与谓语动词rushed out同时进行的动作。leave+宾语+宾补结构中,因lie和book是主动关系,故用lying,后面的形容词open表示状态。

12.You are not allowed______the bike,for it needs______.

A.using;repair B.to use;to repair

C.to use;repairing D.using;to be repairing

答案:C need+doing(主动形式表达被动意思)=need to be done。allow sb. to do sth.固定结构,“允许某人干某事”。

13.______we can’t get seems better than______ we have.

A.What;what B.What;that

C.That;that D.That;what

答案:A 本题题意“我们得不到的东西似乎比已经拥有的东西好”,what引导主语从句,并在从句中充当宾语。

14.One can______ BBC______the air early with his short-wave radio.

A.pick up;on B.pick out;over

C.pick up;through D.pick at;by

答案:A pick up “捡起;接收;搭乘;接某人上车”,pick out “挑出; 捡出”,pick at “一点一点地吃”,on the air=over the radio=on the radio=by radio “通过收音机收听”。

15.Let us______out for______,______?

A.to go;a drive;shall you

B.go;drive;shall you

C.go;a drive;will you

D.to go;drive;will you

答案:C let sb.do sth.为一固定结构,并且let us的反义疑问句为will you?go out for a drive是固定短语 “驱车或乘车旅行”。


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