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1—5 BBCCA                  6—10 ABCBC        11—15 CAACA    16—20  CBACA

21—25DDACC                26—30AADBD         31—35 BCBBD         36—40 CDADD

41—45CCACB                 46—50ABDCA          51—55CBBDA         56—60 DBDBD

61—65 AADCC                66—70 CBABB          71—75 DDBDB

76.   eat—ate                   77.    alive—living      78. been去掉      79. 正确

80. dead—died                  81.  then—but          82.去掉the        83.  good—well

84.  in—up                     85.   his—her

One possible version:

Dear Editor,

I study at a middle school  and I found a surprising thing in school. In our school reading room there is a large collection of used English papers and magazines, such as English World and China Daily. But they were sold as rubbish although they are still useful, I suggest they should be sold at suitable prices to the students in our school. I think this will meet the needs of the students who like English, and the school can also collect some money.

It is not easy to the school to get these English papers and magazines, so we make good use of them.


Li Hua



1.       M: Do you know Mike very well, Mary?

W: yes, I do. We used to be good friends, but now we don’t even talk to each other.

2.       M: You seem to be worried. What’s the matter with you, Susan?

W: I lost my cell-phone, and I can’t find it anywhere.

3.       M: Look the house is on fire.

W: You go to help them put out the fire. I will call the police.

4.       M: What a nice piano! How wonderful!

W: yes, it is. My father bought it for me last week. And I like it very much.

5.       M: Look, the dark clouds are gathering! And it gets dark all of a sudden. There must be a heavy rain. Let’s hurry up, or we will be caught in the rain.

W: Oh, dear, let’s go back home. I don’t want to be caught in the rain. Besides, I don’t like the film at all.

M: But we have already bought the tickets for the film.

W: Don’t think about it. Just throw them away.



M: Excuse me, is this seat taken?

W: Yes, it is. My friend has just gone off to buy some fruit. And this is her suitcase.

M: Can I sit here for just a little while? I’m so tired, you see.

W: Yes, please. Our train is leaving soon. And we are going to get on the train as soon as my friends come back.

M: thank you very much. You are very kind.

W: You’re welcome.


W: Hi, taxi!

M: Can I help you?

W: Yes, I’d like to go to the airport, please.

M: Well, just get in and sit down. Here, let’s go.

W: Could you please drive a little faster? I’m taking the 10:15 plane to Washington.

M: I’m sorry, but it’s not allowed. Don’t you see the police by the roadside?

W: I’m afraid that I will be late for my plane.

M: take it easy. You see, it is still 9:15.

W: How long is it from here to the airport?

M: I’m not sure exactly. But I’m sure I can get there in half an hour.

W: That would be fine. I hope I won’t be late.


W: How did you find the football match yesterday afternoon?

M: Very exciting. The two teams both did very well in the match and it was really a close game.

W: I liked it very much too. But I missed the first part of the match.

M: What for?

W: Someone knocked into my bike on the way and I fell off my bike.

M: did you hurt yourself?

W: yes, I hurt my left leg and it hurt a lot. So I couldn’t ride my bike.  I had to walk slowly.

M” How late were you late for the match?

W: When I got to the sports field, it was already three thirty.

M: Oh, you were twenty minutes late.

W: yeah. It was really a pity.


W: 5551586. This is Mrs Smith speaking.

M: Hello, may I speak to Mr Smith please?

W: I’m sorry he has just gone out. Could you please leave a message?

M: Yes. This is Mr. Green. Tomorrow is my birthday. I’d like to invite him to my birthday party. Please tell your husband to my birthday party tomorrow evening at the Friendship Hotel.

W: By the way, when will the party begin?

M: At seven thirty. Er, I’d like you to come to my party too. So do come with your husband.

W: I will. And I will tell my husband about it as soon as he gets home this afternoon.


You may like the fat, happy man who brings presents to kids on Christmas Eve. But do you

know why he’s called Santa Claus and why he is dressed in red? The history of Santa Claus begins

in the 4th century with a man called Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas lived in Myra, which is now

called Turkey. He came from a rich family, but he felt sorry for poor people and decided to give

them all his money. Nicholas, though, was shy and didn’t want people to know he gave them

money. So he climbed onto the roofs of houses on Christmas Eve and dropped bags of money down

their chimneys. He wore red clothes when he did this. Nicholas died in 340 AD.






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