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X-rays were first discovered by a German scientist,Wilhelm Konrad Rontgen,in 1895,almost by accident.He and several other scientists were experimenting with passing electric currents through certain gases in a special glass tube from which the air had been moved.One day Rontgen noticed that,even when the tube was covered with black paper,some strange kind of radiation was coming through and making a screen nearby glow.Ronghen could not see anything coming out of the tube,but then he discovered that if he put the screen in the next room on the other side of a closed door,the rays could pass not only through black paper but also through wood.

The next thing he found out was that if he put his hand between the rays and a photographic plate,the rays would print a shadow of the bony framework of his hand on the plate.In fact,the rays could pass as easily through the fleshy part of his hand as through the black paper,but hardly at all through the bone.So Rontgen made the first X?ray picture of a hand,showing just how the bones in the hand fit together.

63.What puzzled Rontgen one day during his experiment was _______.

A.some passing electric current

B.some radiation coming through the covered tube

C.the black-paper-covered tube

D.the screen nearby

解析:据第一段后半部分所描述内容可推知 “一些奇怪的射线冒出来”,使附近的荧光屏发光,但Rontgen看不见有东西冒出来,这当然会使他迷惑不解。


64.The screen didn’t stop glowing even when _______.

A.it was moved to the next room

B.it was moved to the other side of the room

C.the door was closed

D.the black paper was moved from the tube



65.The rays proved to be incapable of passing through _______.




D.black paper



66.Form the passage,we know X-rays are .





解析:invisible “看不见的”,与题意相符。



Years ago,when I started looking for my first job,wise advisers advised,“Barbara,be enthusiastic! Enthusiasm will take you further than any amount of experience.” How right they were!

“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” Wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson. It is the paste that helps you hang on there when the going gets tough.It is the inner voice that whispers,“I can do it!” When others shout,“No,you can’t” It took years and years for the early work of Barbara Mclintock,a geneticist who won the 1983 Nobel Prize in medicine,to be generally accepted.Yet she didn’t stop working on her experiments.Work was such a deep pleasure for her that she never thought of stopping.

We are all born with wide-eyed,enthusiastic wonder and it is this childlike wonder that gives enthusiastic people such youthful air,whatever their age.At 90,cellist Pablo Casals would start his day by playing Bach.As the music flowed through his fingers,his stooped shoulders would straighten and joy would reappear in his eyes.As author and poet Samuel Ulaman once wrote,“Years wrinkle the skin,but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.”

Enthusiastic people also love what they do,regardless of money or title or power.Patricia Mcllrath,retired director of the Missouri Repertory Theater in Lamsas City,was once asked where she got her enthusiasm.She replied,“My father,a lawyer,long ago told me,I never made a dime until I stopped working for money.”

If we cannot do what we love as a full-time career,we can as a hobby,Elizabeth Layton of Wellsville,Kan,was 68 before she began to draw.This activity ended periods of depression that had troubled her for at least 30 years,and the quality of her work led one critic say,“I am tempted to call Layton a genius.”

We can’t afford to waste tears on “might-have-beens”.We need to turn the tears into sweat as we go after “what-can-be”.We need to live each moment whole heartedly,with all our senses-finding pleasure in the sweet smell of a backyard garden,the simple picture of a six-year-old,the beauty of a rainbow.

67. The author holds the view that ______.

A.enthusiastic people will never get old

B.enthusiasm can make you succeed and enjoy life

C.enthusiasm is more important than experience

D.enthusiasm can give people more success and fame


答案: B

68.Which of the following can best explain the underlined sentence in the second paragraph?

A.Enthusiasm can give you courage and strength in difficult times.

B.If you don’t have enthusiasm,you can achieve nothing.

C.Enthusiastic people never consider money and fame.

D.Enthusiastic people can gain great fame and honor.

解析:文章第二段通过基因学家Barbara McClintock?的例子说明有了热情人们就不会在逆境中屈服、放弃。


69.The author mentions cellist Pablo Casals in the third paragraph to show that ______.

A. music can arouse people?s enthusiasm

B.enthusiasm can give people inspiration needed to succeed

C.enthusiasm can make people feel young

D.enthusiasm can keep people healthy

解析:文章第三段引用大提琴演奏家Pablo Casals九十岁高龄还充满热情的例子,说明有了热情,人们就不会在心理上衰老。


70.How many examples are given in the passage to show the importance of enthusiasm?








Awareness Weeks have become a regular part of Britain’s cultural landscape over the past few years. They started back in 1957,when one charity, Christian Aid,decided to make all its money—raising efforts on one time of year.It was thought that by doing this they would get more publicity for their cause.

They were right.And soon other charities and campaign groups followed them.These days,most donations to charity are not collected on the streets.So instead of just asking for money,charities prefer to spend their time “raising awareness” —spreading knowledge of the work they do or the cause they support.They also compete with businesses and trade groups who use awareness weeks as marketing campaigns for their products.

There are now 500 awareness weeks held every year in the UK.No week goes by without one group or another trying to make the British public aware of something,with most held in May or October.

The danger with all these awareness weeks is that people start to become cynical.Take National Smile Week,it seems like a great idea.Let’s all make each other’s life a little bit happier with a friendly smile.But really it’s just a group of dentists and cosmetics companies trying to sell us toothpaste.It’s enough to make you want to start National Forget About It Week.

“People feel that many awareness campaigns are just marketing exercises.” Says Mrs Ormiston,who edits the Awareness Campaign Register,a news letter which encourages people who run Awareness Weeks to become more aware of each other.But 90 percent of campaigns are run by traditional charities or not for groups to make money.

“There’s still no official group for awareness campaigns.”says Mrs Ormiston.“People can do what they like,whatever the size of their budgets or their public relations machines allows.”

This situation has led to calls for laws to stop real charities having their efforts overshadowed by marketing campaigns.This could be done by making the two groups hold their weeks at different times or stopping businesses running imitation charity campaigns.

But there is another way.Maybe it’s time for National Weak Awareness Week,especially for people whose awareness of Awareness Weeks is weak.

71.What’s the main purpose of awareness weeks run by charities in Britain?

A.To rise money for charities.

B.To spread knowledge of charities.

C.To take up marketing campaigns.

D.To advertise their goods for sale.



72.Why do people start to become cynical about awareness weeks?

A.Too many awareness weeks make people feel bored.

B.People feel many awareness weeks are just for marketing exercises.

C.People have a weak awareness of awareness weeks.

D.Awareness weeks are held too often and too much money is raised.



73.What does Mrs Ormiston think about awareness weeks.

A.Most of the awareness weeks should not be for making money.

B.Official groups should take the place of charities in awareness campaigns.

C.People can do what they like in awareness weeks.

D.People can get range budgets through awareness campaigns.

解析: Mr Ormiston 说此番话的主要目的是这些认识宣传活动不应只是为了赚钱,应该有法律来规范他们的行为,使它回到它的初衷上来。


74.Which of the following is the right measure to be taken to solve the problems in awareness campaigns?

A.Laws should stop awareness weeks run by real charities.

B.There should be large public relations ?departments? in awareness campaigns.

C.Business and awareness campaigns should not be held at the same place.

D.Marketing campaigns should not be held at the name of charity ones.[ZK)]

解析:见文章第七段,at the name of 打着……的名义,以……为名。


75.What’s the writer’s view on Awareness Weeks?

A.National Forget About It Week should be held to stop awareness weeks.

B.National Smile Week is a great idea to improve people’s life

C.National Weak Awareness Week can help people better understand awareness weeks.

D.Awareness weeks should be stopped because of marketing campaigns.

解析:文中最后谈到:也许该举办National Weak Awareness Week,尤其是针对那些对Awareness Week缺乏了解的人。



第四部分  写作 (共两节,满分35分)[HT5"SS]

第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






Mr Black has two cats.One is much big,       76._______

and other is quite small.He likes them very      77._______?

well.One morning,Mr King,one of his friends,       78._______

came to see him.When he saw two holes on       79._______

the wall—a big hole and a small one,he was      80._______

surprising and asked,“Why are there two holes,      81._______

my old friend?” “Let the cat be in and out of,” Mr    82._______

Black answered.“But doesn?t one hole enough?”     83._______

asked for the friend.“Do you think that the big     84._______

cat can go over the small hole?” replied Mr Black.     85._______


76. much→very  very修饰形容词。

77.other前加the  the other is...与one is...相对应。

78.well改为much  用very much修饰like,表示“非常喜欢”。

79.on→in  洞在墙上,用介词in而不用on。


81.surprising→surprised  surprised修饰人。

82.去掉of  out是副词,后面无需跟of。



85.over→through  猫钻过洞而不是越过洞,所以用through而不用over。

第二节  书面表达(满分25分)






May 1st  Wednesday              Fine

Today is May Day,the International Labor Day.It is one of the biggest holidays in China.

In the morning my friends and I took a bus to the East Lake Park.We played all kinds of games there.

At noon,we had our picnic under a big tree.We all took out of favorite food and enjoyed it together.After picnicking,we went boating.It’s wonderful to row a boat in the lake.

When we got out of the boat,we met some foreign friends.We said hello to them,and they greeted us with smiles.We tried to talk with them in English,but they seldom gave response.Later we found they were Russians and could speak only a little English.


History of Mother’s Day

In the U.S.,Mother’s Day is a holiday celebrated on the second Sunday in May.It is a day when children honor their mothers with cards,gifts and flowers.First observance in Philadelphia,in 1907,it is based on suggestions by Julia Ward Howe in 1872 and by Anna Jarvis in 1907.

Although it wasn’t celebrated in the U.S. until 1907,there were days honoring mothers even in the days of ancient Greece.In Those days,however,it was Rhea,the mother of the gods that was given honor.

Later,in the 1600’s,in England there was an annual observance called “Mothering Sunday”.It was celebrated during June,on the fourth Sunday.On Mothering Sunday,the servants,who generally lived with their employers,were encouraged to returned home and stay with their mothers.It was traditional for them to bring a special cake along to celebrate the occasion.In the U.S.,in 1907 Anna Jarvis,from Philadelphia,began a campaign to establish Mother’s Day.Jarvis persuaded her mother’s church in Grafton,West Virginia to celebrate Mother’s Day on the second anniversary of her mother’s death,the 2nd Sunday of May.The next year Mother’s Day was also celebrated in Philadelphia.

Jarvis and others began a letter?writing campaign to ministers,businessmen,and politicians in their quest to establish a national Mother’s Day.They were successful.President Woodrow Wilson,in 1914,made the official announcement proclaiming Mother’s Day a national observance that was to be held each year on the 2nd Sunday of May.






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