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Nanjing Motor Wreck

Eighteen people died and 16 were injured yesterday when a farm vehicle left a mountain road and plunged(冲入) 100 meters into a valley.The accident happened in Fenshan country,in South China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.Police said 17 people,including the driver,died instantly and another died on the way to hospital.Fifteen of the injured passengers are in serious condition.

Beijing New Library

A new library named after Hong Kong industrialist Xu Rongmao opened yesterday at the Beijing Chemical University.Xu donated(捐款)5 million yuan (US$604 594) for the building of the Rongmao Library,which covers 8 000 square meters and has over 900 seats.

Xu’s Overseas Investment Group has also donated US$1.21 million to set up an education fund for the university.

Beijing Empty Tomb

A live broadcast of the opening of the ancient Laoshan Tomb of the Han Dynasty (206BC~220AD) was cancelled(取消) when the tomb was confirmed(证实) to be empty.Experts believe that most of the relics(文物) in the tomb had been taken by grave robbers.A previous live show of digging part of the tomb attracted a large audience,but few cultural relics were found.That the television stations have not been ready for the live show scheduled around September 20 also accounted for the cancellation,officials said.

49.These items of news belong to______ section in a newspaper.

A.in brief       B.what’s on

C.weather report     D.advertisement

答案:A  阅读全篇可知,这是一些新闻摘要。

50.How many passengers died instantly when the motor accident happened?

A.18.           B.17.             C.16.            D.34.

答案:C  由题干中的How many passengers和文章中的信息句17 “people, including the driver, died instantly”可知。

51.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “previous”?

A.Expensive in value.               B.Large in size.

C.Proper in order.                  D.Early in time.

答案:D  阅读整个简讯内容,结合“A previous live show of digging part of the tomb attracted a large audience”可知词的意思为“先前的,远古的”。

52.How much has Xu’s Overseas Investment Group donated to set up an education fund for the university?

A.About 10 million yuan.

B.About 11 million yuan.

C.About 12 million yuan.

D.About 5 million yuan.

答案:A  信息句“Xu’s Overseas Investment Group has also donated US$1.21 million to set up an education fund for the university.”告诉我们答案为A。


The World Trade Organization(WTO),founded on January 1st,1995,aims to encourage international trade to flow as freely as possible,making sure that any disputes(争端) can be settled.

In the five years since its founding,the WTO has become well-known as one of the world’s most powerful economic organizations,taking its place alongside the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

The system of global rules for international trade,however,dates back half a century to 1948 when the General Agreement on Tariffs(关税) and Trade (GATT) was formed after World War Two.As time went by,it became clear that the GATT had two major drawback—the limited areas of trade it covered,and the lack of an effective system to settle disputes.

After seven years of trade talks ending in 1994,the so-called Uruguay Round finally gave birth to the WTO,complete with an effective system to settle disputes and new rules covering trade in services and intellectual property(知识产权).

Even after seven years of talks and 22 500 pages of arrangements there were still problems,especially the difficult-to-deal-with areas of agriculture and services,which the member nations agreed to revise in 2000.

The WTO,with its head office in Geneva,has 135 members with 30 more waiting to join.

53.From the passage we know that the GATT stopped working______.

A.soon after World War Ⅱ ended

B.a little more than 50 years after World War Ⅱ

C.just in the year 1994

D.seven years before the Uruguay Round talk

答案:C  信息句为“After seven years of trade talks ending in 1994”。

54.Compared with the GATT,the WTO______.

A.didn’t pay enough attention to services and intellectual property

B.got its members to sign the agreement more easily

C.has got too many areas of international trade to deal with to work effectively

D.can do better to settle disputes in more areas of international trade

答案:D  由下列表述“it became clear that the GATT had two major drawback—the limited areas of trade it covered, and the lack of an effective system to settle disputes.After seven years of trade talks ending in 1994, the so-called Uruguay Round finally gave birth to the WTO, complete with an effective system to settle disputes and new rules covering trade in services and intellectual property(知识产权)”可知答案。

55.In the new century the WTO will______.

A.take the place of World Bank and International Monetary Fund

B.have more members and do much more to settle more problems

C.make complete mew rules in every area of international trade

D.have new rules covering trade in services and intellectual property

答案:B  文章最后两段有陈述。

56.The underlined word “drawback” means______.

A.changes                       B.weak points

C.strong points                   D.improvements

答案:B  通过上下文可知,“it became clear that the GATT had two major drawback—the limited areas of trade it covered, and the lack of an effective system to settle disputes.”句中是在谈论GATT的漏洞与缺点,故答案为B。

57.The best title for the passage is______.

A.WTO—Another Name For GATT

B.WTO—An International Service Organization

C.WTO—The World’s Most Powerful Organization

D.WTO—One Of The World’s Strongest Economic Organizations

答案:D  A项不属实。B、C两项对WTO的职能有误解,只有D项可以概括WTO的全貌。


I am always interested in the traveling.My reasons  58.______

are quite simple and clearly.If anybody is not satisfied   59.______

with my opinion,I’ll greatly surprised at his ways of   60.______

thinking.First of all,traveling increased our knowledge.  61.______

Only by traveling can we see thing outside our hometown.  62.______

In the second place,traveling is good to our health.   63.______

While we are traveling,we can breath in fresh air,   64.______

taking exercises and strengthen our bodies as well.   65.______

In a word,I sincerely hope everybody that should   66.______

grasp the chance of traveling and have good luck.    67.______

答案:58.去掉the  59.clearly→clear  60.I’ll 后加 be  61.increased→increases  62.thing→things  63.to→for  64.breath→breathe  65.taking→take  66.去掉 that  67.√







以“TV Viewing”为题写一篇100词左右的短文。




3.事物均有两面性;(Every coin has two sides.)




TV Viewing

TV viewing has become an important part of family life.By watching TV,people can get a lot of knowledge and information.You can also travel around the world,watch films,news reports,sports games and so on without buying tickets.But every coin has two sides.Many people turn on TV as soon as they arrive home and don’t turn it off until/before they fall asleep late into the night.Besides,too much fighting and killing has bad effects on children.We should make good use of TV and choose interesting and instructive TV programs.






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