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大多数同学认为高中功课比较复杂,学起来比较吃力,还有的同学逻辑思维能力不强,所以就不会解题,威廉希尔app 的“高二英语unit1同步练习”帮助同学们梳理知识、加强练习,提高成绩!

1. Teachers prefer to measure our performances _____________________the efforts we made rather than the intelligence we have.

A. as a consequence of B. in spite of

C. in favor of D. in terms of

2. --- Have you forgotten anything, sir?

--- Oh, I forgot to pay. You see, I'm terribly sick, but I ________to.

A. didn't mean B. don't mean

C. haven't meant D. wasn't meaning

3. --- Have you seen the house ________   the railway station?

--- Yes, obviously clearly.

A. in the front of B. opposite

C. in place of D. opposite from

4. --- So what is the procedure?

--- All the applicants ________ before a final decision is made by the authority.

A. interview B. are interviewing

C. are interviewed D. are being interviewed

5. A broad smile spread ________ Jack's face when he eventually gained a scholarship.

A. across B. through C. at D. in

6. The museum is ________  in a park surrounded by a number of impressive buildings.

A. blocked B. based C. occupied D. located






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